Plan Perpetrated

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Things had gone too far. It was time to stop faffing about and act. Snape's murder had made it clear that the forces of the light thought they could do whatever they want out in the open and Harry was not going to stand for it anymore. He had to take Dumbledore down for good this time. Then he would be the one left standing.

The next day Harry gathered his best friends and Draco together in the girl's bathroom, where everything had started all those years ago. They would each have their own important part to play in Harry's brilliant plan. It was a plan that Bumbledork would never see coming because Harry had kept it safely hidden away in his impenetrable mind vault.

"So you know what needs to be done?" Harry said in whispered tones to Blaise and Neville, who nodded in unison while wrapped in eachothers arms. They were so in sync with each other now it was almost like they were one. Harry could only hope he and Draco could be so close some day. Killing Dumbledore together would certainly help strengthen their bond.

"And you, Draco, my everything?" Harry asked Draco, who was his everything. He knew this would be hard for the other male, still mourning for his murdered godfather. But he hoped he could lend him the strength to do what needed to be done.

"Yes, I think so," Draco said, blinking shining diamond tears away from his long, luxurious, lily-colored eyelashes. Harry reached out and caught one of the precious falling tears and put it in his pocket for later. "I've only practiced my animagus form a few times but I've been getting very good at it."

They were both dressed for stealth, as the plan required the utmost secrecy and discretion. Harry wore a lightweight black trenchcoat over a black mesh tank top and black skinny jeans. Draco wore a curve-hugging white bodysuit that fit him like a second skin, appropriate for his animagus form.

[[AN: Like this, but with Draco's head]]

Harry nodded, and spoke the words to open the opening to the Chamber of Secrets

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Harry nodded, and spoke the words to open the opening to the Chamber of Secrets. "Open," he hissed. He didn't need to pretend the carved serpent in the stone was alive anymore. Draco was now the only snake he would ever need, with alabaster scales like smooth marble as he transformed into a large albino python with glorious silver eyes.

With a hiss of good luck, he watched Draco's lithe, long, lengthy snake body slither-in to the pipes. [A/N: Get it? Like the Hogwarts house? Slytherin! Lol ok sorry]

Harry gave the signal to Blaise and Neville, who quickly hurried out of the room, Blaise carrying Neville in his arms so they could run faster. They had to keep Dumbledore distracted for as long as possible.

Harry made sure the Chamber of Secrets opening was no longer open and left the bathroom as well, hurrying to the courtyard, where a gargoyle that was very important to the plan was standing.

Meanwhile, Blaise and Neville had laid out a trail of lemon drops all over the castle, ensuring that Dumbledore would be busy for a good while.

While Harry waited outside the headmaster's office, he whistled inconspicuously as a few students walked by. They complimented him on his excellent whistling, as it magically reminded each one of their absolute favorite song, but were none the wiser to his plan. [A/N: What song would YOU be hearing?? Reply in the comments! :)]

After a few minutes the gargoyle hopped aside and the wall slid open. Draco was on the other side, back in his gorgeous human form. He had slithered-in to Dumbledore's office through the vents, and unlocked the door from inside. Harry hugged him, savoring his hot warmth, glad to see him after what felt like an eternity apart, and they walked up the spiral staircase hand in hand.

Once inside, Harry headed straight to the pitiful looking phoenix sat by Dumbledore's desk. It really looked miserable, and coughed a puff of ash as it looked at Harry mournfully. It was very sad.

"Don't worry, Fawkes, old friend," Harry whispered to the once-majestic avian. "It'll all be over soon." Fawkes nodded, understanding that Harry meant to end its pain, and relieve it of the burden of part of Dumbledore's evil soul.

With the gentlest of hands, Harry grasped the phoenix's neck and twisted quickly, instantly killing the suffering bird. The phoenix let out one last gurgling squeak of gratitude and peace. Harry shed a tear, and Draco hugged him from behind, sensing how difficult this was for him. Harry was part-phoenix, after all. The warmth of his mate behind and encircling him lessened the hurt the act of killing such a magical creature, and Harry was able to carry on without breaking down sobbing.

"Dobby?" Harry called out softly, and the loyal House Elf appeared with a crack.

"You is ready for the plan, Master Harry Potter?" he squeaked. He was wearing his own stealthy outfit, which seemed to be made of many pairs of black stockings wrapped around him and a small black beanie.

"Yes, Dobby," Harry nodded sadly. With appropriate reverence, he handed Fawkes's lifeless body to the elf, who gave him a live chicken in return. Harry placed it upon the perch and transfigured it into a perfect imitation of the formerly-living Fawkes. He gave a small, sad nod at his incredibly good spell-work, and turned around to talk to Dobby.

Draco continued to comfort Harry from behind as he confirmed the rest of the plan with Dobby.

"You is able to count on Dobby, sir Harry Potter!" said Dobby, and he disapparated with a loud crack, taking the real Fawkes with him.

Now that they were alone in the headmaster's office, (the chicken was not smart enough to count) Harry and Draco turned to look at each other. They gazed deeply into each others eyes, emerald green and silver grey mixing together as they communicated all the sadness and triumph they were going through in this moment.

Harry's eyes wandered down to the rest of his mate. The red, wet lips, the quick, clever wet tongue that darted out over them, much like a snake's. The elegant cheekbones and pointed, sexy chin. His eyes drifted lower still, appreciating just how wonderfully the white dragon leather sculpted itself over Draco's shoulders, his collarbones and inviting sternum. He couldn't look away as he watched the jumpsuit caress the angles of his hips and groin area, his muscular Quidditch-toned thighs and delicate ankles.

"Harry..." Draco's breathing pierced the quiet darkness of the room. The sharp sound of his nervous breath flowing across his smooth, glistening lips echoed in Harry's head. Lost in the intoxicating reverberations, Harry felt his heart quicken and body start to warm throbbingly. They were both very turned-on, probably because of the danger and their sexy outfits.

"Draco," Harry said desirously, but also warningly. As much as he wanted to throw his hot mate onto the headmaster's desk and defile it as an act of not only sex, but also revenge, they couldn't. Not here, not now. He knew their mutual desire could burn the whole office down, and then Dumbledore would be suspicious that something was going on. Even the stupid chicken could feel the untapped firey tension in the room.

Draco understood, and instead of giving into their raging lust, he leaned down and placed the softest of kisses on Harry's eyebrow. Warmth spread from that spot like delicious hot wax. Harry smiled, and cherished the contact, letting it hold him over for now. There would be time for much deeper kisses in much deeper places later.

"Harry, Draco!" said Neville's non-corporeal patronus, who was standing behind them, carried by Blaise's patronus. "The Dumbmaster is heading back to his office! We ran out of sweets!" it said, before fading away. Draco looked panicked but Harry had everything under control. He shushed his mate with a finger to his lovely wet lips and pushed him back towards the vent he had come in.

"Don't worry, love. We have something even sweeter for the headmaster. Sweet revenge!" Harry said.

Draco chuckled at his excellent joke. "Meet you in the bathroom," he said as he once again became a graceful, serpentine snake and slid into the vents. Harry cast a charm to leave everything (except Fawkes) back in its original place. The chicken gave him a knowing wink as he swept out of the room.

[[A/N: See! I told you we were working on the next chapter! I hope you like it. I think there will only be a few more chapters left. And then the boys can finally relax and vent some of their frustrations ;) Thanks agian to my lovely co-author crabmeats, and a few lines from my good friends on my harry potter fan discord. Theyv'e really kept me motivated to keep going even when i thought no one wanted to read this. See you next chappie!!!]]

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