Quidditch Quarrel Part 2

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Just as Harry heard the quidditch bell ding to signify he'd gotten ten points, he grabbed the snitch, pulling up centimeters before hitting Dumbledore. The Slytherins weren't so lucky, or nearly as agile, and they all slammed into the headmaster in a pile of green robes, splintering brooms, white beard hair, and shouting of "fuck."

Harry held the Snitch high in his hand as he flew to the center of the field. The crowd was going nuts, jumping up and down and storming the field and throwing roses and chocolate frogs. Some of them were so excited they were frothing at the mouth, doing cartwheels. Harry didn't care for any of them. His eyes were only for Draco, who he looked at again.

They both sped towards each other, and neither one of them pulled away as their brooms smashed together and they held one another in each others' arms. The temperature around them rose as they hugged, Harry whispering into Draco's ear. "I love that you have sacrificed yourself to let me win this Quidditch game, Draco my precious darling. You've always been so kind and selfless and that's what I love about you, in addition to how attractive I find you.."

Draco whispered back to him, "Harry, just wait until I get you alone and I'll show you how selfless and attractive I really am." Harry blushed so hard that both their brooms burst into flames and the snitch melted in his hand with a tiny scream. Even the ground around them turned a beautiful scorched black, very symbolically. He pulled his head back to see that Draco was just as red as he was. They leaned their lips towards each other...so close...

Suddenly Harry's wrist was grabbed by Tonks, as she held it up. "The winner of the quidditch game....is Vampirius!" she screamed and the crowd went wild once again. Several celebratory bonfires ignited in the distance.

Suddenly, Draco's quidditch robes turned onyx and crimson, the same as Harry's. He gasped as he looked down at the new colors, which made him look even sexier. Harry smiled. Of course. Hogwarts had sensed where Draco's loyalties truly lied, and had put him in the correct house with Harry. They laughed and hugged again as the crowd became even louder, cheering for them both.

In the stands, Madame Pomfrey was declaring that Dumbledore would need to stay in the hospital wing for a few weeks, along with Ron, Hermione and Ginny who had been sitting right behind them when the Slytherins ran into him. Although this was good news, Harry hardly cared, all he could think of was how he had a feeling that it was going to be very interesting sharing a house with Draco this year at Hogwarts.


Author's Note:

Again I'm sorry about the wait. I've been having a pretty crazy summer. My summer camp is full of really wacky campers and funny happenings. As always, thanks to my writing partner crabmeats for telling me about the rules of Quidditch.

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