Classroom Chaos

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The next morning Harry styled his hair to look extra sexy and picked out his best pair of bondage pants.

A/N: Like this but with Harry wearing them instead of whomever that is.

A/N: Like this but with Harry wearing them instead of whomever that is

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Harry apparated down to the Great Hall. Normally you couldn't apparate on the grounds of Hogwarts, but Harry could since he was the heir of Hogwarts. And even if he wasn't, the teachers wouldn't have been able to stop him. He walked to the Vampirious house table amidst more whispers and pointing, only somewhat quieter than yesterday.

His table was laid out with the most delicious looking food. Harry tried the blood sausage first. It tasted...very good. It seemed he'd started to get a taste for blood, seemingly. He saw Draco walking into the Great Hall with his friends, and he could see the beautiful blonde boy, trying not to look his way. And when he failed to not glance over he quickly turned away once he saw Harry was watching. He could see the blood rushing to Draco's face from across the Hall, just like the blood in his sausage. Harry licked his lips.

His affectionate thoughts were interrupted by a head of giant brown hair that wasn't even a nice shade of brown, and Ron's red hair as well.

"Oy, Harry mate, what're you dreamin' about?" Ron asked. It was difficult to hide his true feelings towards the pair of his former friends, but now that he was a master of Occlumency, it wasn't difficult at all.

"Oh, you know, my real mate," Harry said, knowing Ron was too stupid to understand the implication. Ron glared over at the Slytherin table.

"Harry, you must be a daft bugger, you can't be mates with a Slytherin. That's barking mental, that is!" Ron began to pile food onto his plate as usual.

Harry did a subtle wordless spell to make Ron and Hermione's food taste bad. "Well, you can't defy fate, Ron," Harry said, "That's how I defeated Voldemort after all."

Ron still flinched at the name, or maybe it was the bite of stargazy pie he'd just eaten. "Ugh! What've the house elves given you? This is bloody disgusting!" He tried to get rid of the taste by taking six more bites of pie, but it made him even more physically ill. He reached for some laverbread instead. "Anyway it's just...not right, two blokes getting on fire like that right out in the bleedin' open..."

"Tastes fine to me," Harry said nicely, gritting his teeth as Ron criticized his phoenix heritage. He did another spell with his magic.

"Ugh! This is right inedible, it is," Ron said, spitting the laverbread out and taking a drink of pumpkin juice. He gagged. "Sorry mate, 'Mione, I can't eat here," he said, for the first time in his life. Ron scampered off back to the Gryffindor table, leaving just Hermione across from him.

"Are you...positively convinced that Draco is your mate, Harry?" she said in an irritating voice. "The pair of you are unconditionally incompatible. And...well he's rather...unpleasant. And prejudiced you know, attributing me all those heinous monikers..."

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