Infirmary Inquisition

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In the hospital wing, Draco's bed was surrounded by his two friends, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson, his only friends worth mentioning. Draco was currently being interrogated by them about what had been happening.

"So is he really your mate? What's it feel like? Can you feel it in your soul? " asked Pansy, gesturing towards Draco's soul.

"Do you feel any increase in power? Mates share a bit of their magical cores and phoenix-kin are quite powerful," said Blaise with his face having a thoughtful look on it.

"Guys!" said Draco, his arms crossing poutily, "He's not my mate! It's just...coincidence that we both caught on fire when we looked at each other!"

"But you confessed your love to him in Potions," Blaise said, a very good point being made by him.

"That was...I" Draco stammered, a bright blush coming to his face.

A knowing look was exchanged by Pansy and Blaise to each other. It was known by them that, when it came to lying, Draco was a terrible liar.

"It's not fair!" said Draco, pouting harder, "Why of all people did it have to be Harry Fucking Potter?!?!" In his mind, he pictured Harry's beautiful hair and pants and a fresh blush filled his face.

"Well if you've loved him all this time it seems pretty lucky," Blaise said, "In fact, you probably always subconsciously knew you were destined for each other."

"Yeah, stop being so tsundere," Pansy said, "Oh! You guys will be so cute together! Can I be your maid of honor?"

Draco looked horrified at the thought of Pansy wearing a dress, but before he could say anything he was interrupted by Blaise.

"Actually, phoenix-kin don't have traditional human wizard weddings," said Blaise, "It's a very secret and protected ceremony, no one else is allowed in."

"Aww, no fun!" The pouting was now being done by Pansy. "Oh! But what about him being a mudblood? If only his father hadn't married that muggleborn he'd be a great eligible pureblood."

"I hadn't thought about that," said Draco, his face having a frown. "I don't think Father should hear about this."

"Actually," said Blaise, an index finger being held up, "being a phoenix-kin cancels out all non-magical blood. So Potter is actually more pureblood than all of us."

"Ooh! How lucky! You have to marry him now!" Pansy squealed, "You can marry into an even more pureblood line!"

"Well dammit, all my reasons for resisting are disappearing," pouted Draco, "Like they're...being consumed... or burning up or something."

Suddenly a voice could be heard at the entrance of the hospital wing, sounding angry but also concerned. But also mature and attractive. "I demand that you let me see my mate!" It was Harry talking to Madam Pomfrey.

"It's him!" said Pansy in an excited whisper, "Oh! I'm so excited! Shall we begin planning the engagement party?"

"Let's let them have some privacy, hm? Phoenix-kin can be very tempermental if they're matebond is interfered with," said Blaise, wisely. Pansy's arm was grabbed by him and they exited the hospital wing. Harry was given a knowing look by Blaise, and a giddy giggle by Pansy as he was passed by them.

~*~*~POV SHIFT~*~*~

~*~*~HARRY POV~*~*~

It was lucky anything Harry wore was magically fireproof, otherwise his beautiful body would be revealed by now with how angry he was, his body seeping with throbbing flames and trails of smoke. Madam Pomfrey was starting to look a bit nervous, her hair beginning to singe.

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