Diagon Discovery

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Chapter 3

Diagon Discovery

Harry spent the final month of summer in Diagon Alley, though he did make a few trips to muggle shops for things that were difficult to find in the magical world. His change in appearance was both good and bad. While people didn't immediately recognize him as "The-Boy-Who-Lived" anymore, they did notice his awesome, fiery hair and tall good looks.

He got quite a few flirtatious looks from girls, and a few of them even gave him their wizard phone numbers. Harry ripped them up and burned the pieces with fire powers. He hadn't seen his mate yet, and that was all that really mattered. He wondered if his mate was even in the same country. Or the same continent. It would really suck if magic chose a mate that was in Fiji or something.

While he might not be able to find his soulmate right now, he spent his time and increased fortune buying all the best things he could find in Diagon and Knocturne Alley. Dumbledore had kept him from his powers, and he'd also forced him to pinch his knuts with regards to his parents' money. No more pinching. There was no need to be so stingy. He was going to spread his knuts all over town.

He bought a trunk with twelve separate compartments like he'd seen in Moody's office in 4th year, with the multiple keyholes where each keyhole opened the same lid but showed a different compartment inside, except his was much better than Moody's. Each compartment was the size of one former Dursley house, and the locks could only be opened by his DNA.

In Knockturne Alley he found a pair of wicked japanese katanas. He could slot his wand into the handle of one of them and use them to cast spells as well as cut things. He paid extra to have phoenixes engraved into the blades.

At the pet shop, hidden near the back of the store away from the popular pets, he found a small Black Mamba snake, the deadliest snake in the world, and it immediately curled affectionately around his arm. He could finally buy his own pet, and not one that Hagrid picked for him without consulting him first. He named the snake Hades, after his favorite place, and it liked to hang out around his neck. Harry made her invisible most of the time so as not to scare people. Normal people couldn't handle such a cool snake.

A/N Like this but without the dirt because they're in the city.

When he wasn't shopping for school supplies, Harry practiced with his Phoenix Blades in one of his trunk compartments, and thanks to a book he found in the book store, he quickly became very good at it, practicing by carving his name into stone wh...

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When he wasn't shopping for school supplies, Harry practiced with his Phoenix Blades in one of his trunk compartments, and thanks to a book he found in the book store, he quickly became very good at it, practicing by carving his name into stone while doing flips While sharpening his blades it occurred to him that he hadn't gotten any letters from Ron and Hermione for his birthday, and he was starting to wonder if it had to do with the money that had been regularly taken from his vault for the past seven years.

He uncovered the truth one day when he was in the bookstore again to buy another copy of his sword book, which he had sliced in half during practice. He heard Ron's voice in another aisle, and while the old Harry would have happily rushed over, the new Harry stayed where he was, listening closely.

"Oy, Mum, why can't I have a new broom?" Ron was asking.

"You know why, Ronald. We have to keep up appearances," said the voice of Mrs. Weasley.

"Blimey, what's the bloody fun of having plenty of money if we can't spend it. And we have to wait even longer now that Harry didn't die like he was supposed to, the ol' bugger!" Ron pouted.

"Yes, yes. Well, Ginny is working on that. She's meant to be dosing him with love potion as well as poisoning him this year. He'll either be married into the family or dead soon enough and then you can buy as many brooms as you like."

"Bollocks," Ron whined, annoyingly.

What a Diagon discovery this was. Harry had heard enough. He quickly exited the bookstore and leaned against a wall a few shops away, lighting a magical cigarette, one that wouldn't give him lung cancer due to its magical properties. "So, they've been hoping I'd die this whole time. Not very grateful to the one who slayed the Dark Lord," he muttered to himself, letting a thoughtful ribbon of purple smoke out of his mouth. "I'll make sure they pay me back, in full. And they won't even know it." He gave a knowing smirk to Hades around his neck, when a few moments later the voice he'd been trying to get away from returned.

"Bloody hell! ....Harry, is that you?!" Ron shouted, running up to him. He looked as gangly and scarecrow-like as ever, shambling like a pile of broken wands. Harry put on an imitation of how he would have greeted Ron last year.

"Yeah, hey Ron, how are you?" he asked with a smile, suppressing his urge to set Ron on fire where he stood.

"I'm fine. Blimey, Harry, you look...cool!" Ron said, his mouth hanging open.

Harry supposed he was right. In addition to his hair color, he'd overhauled his wardrobe from local muggle shops. He was currently wearing a black t-shirt, a pair of dark blue wide-leg JNCO jeans, black boots, and an oversize ball-chain necklace that was actually Hades disguised.

"Close your mouth Ron, unless you want to catch a fly," Harry said with a short laugh. "This summer has brought on some...changes." He wished he could pull out his katanas and show Ron how he really felt, but that would be a little much. Besides, he didn't want anyone to know anything was amiss with Dumbledore's little plan.

"I'll bloody well say!" Ron replied, then remembered to close his mouth.

There was a twitch from Harry's neck as Hades resisted the urge to bite Ron directly on his neck. "Well, Ron, I'd love to stay and chat , but I have something to do. See you on the train, yeah?" Harry took one more draw of his cigarette before crushing it out on the wall, and turning away, heading back to the Leaky Cauldron without a look backwards.

He didn't actually have anything to do. He had been lying. He was just going to hang out in his room and maybe polish his sword. Maybe he'd start planning his revenge. It had to be done very carefully, after all. There was the Weasleys (except Fred and George probably), Hermione, and Dumbledore. Dumbledore had not actually died two years ago. He'd been in hiding. The body they'd found was a fake, and apparently it had been "for the greater good" that he'd stayed out of the final battle.

Harry rolled his eyes as he began to pack his school things. Probably spent all his time on the beach, sipping magical mojitos. Dumbledore was the cause of all this. He'd thought Harry had to die to Voldemort so he'd blocked all his powers. Well, Harry had lived long enough to find out about his little scheme. And now Dumbledore would pay, in full.

"Looks like this is going to be a very interesting year at Hogwarts," Harry said to Hades, who hissed back, Yes, Master Harry.


A/N: Sorry for any mistakes. I wrote this on my phone while I was jogging :/

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