Ginny Grief

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At dinner, Harry was contemplating inviting Draco to his table. They were staring at each other from across the Great Hall, as if no one else in the world existed. He watched Draco's mouth close sensually around a forkful of shepherd's pie, his gorgeous silver eyes locked onto Harry's fiery green ones as Harry licked a bit of worcestershire sauce off of his pink sexy wet lips.

Harry was just about to send over a psychic message to entice Draco to come sit with him, when there was a sudden unappealing body pressed against him and a bunch of long red hair obscuring his vision. Oh great, it was her.

"Harryyyyy!" Ginny squealed shrilly and loudly, wrapping her boney arms around Harry and squeezing him possessively. But Harry was not a man to be possessed. He was a person, not a thing that could be owned. A very powerful person.

"Hello..." Harry thought for a few minutes, "Ginny," he said, heating his body up until it became too hot for Ginny to handle, literally because Harry's body was too hot for her to keep holding on to.

Ginny let him go, her hands scalded, but still scooted up against him, her push-up-bra-enhanced cleavage smooshing into his shoulder as if to demand his attention. Harry noticed, it was hard not to with her sluttily low-cut top. She did have a nice chest though, if you were into that sort of thing. He continued to look at a certain blonde Slytherin while Ginny prattled on.

"I've missed you so much! And I wanted to see you on the train. We could have snuck off to the bathroom together." She giggled a harlot's giggle and pressed closer. "And I heard you have your own bedroom now in Vampirious. Are you going to invite me up sometime? Or down? Where is Vampirious, anyway?" She was becoming annoying, and Harry could read in her disgusting junk pile of a mind that she was about to slip a potion into his wine, which Vampirious let him have. He couldn't tell what the potion was, not without alerting Ginny that he was invading her mind. It could be love potion, poison, or both

A/N: This is what Vampirious's goblet looks like, but it has wolves instead of dragons.

Harry smoothly picked up his jeweled goblet and sipped before Ginny could get it, drinking from it and licking the red from his lips at Draco

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Harry smoothly picked up his jeweled goblet and sipped before Ginny could get it, drinking from it and licking the red from his lips at Draco. "I can't tell you," he lied, "It's a magical secret, sorry." Ginny's face twisted into a crumpled mask of disappointment at her first attempt to drug him had been foiled. If she couldn't get access to his dormitory and his pants, she was determined to get access to his drink. Harry put his goblet down, letting the poor girl get her hopes up again. She was lucky he was continuing to put up with her and the swampy stench of her perfume.

"Harry," she said in a low voice that he might have found sexy a few years ago when he was still an idiot, "When are we going to get some alone time together?" Her hand slid up his thigh skankily, trying to distract him with her female powers. Harry ignored her and pretended it was Draco's hand, lowering his eyes sultrily at the boy at the Slytherin table.

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