Sewer Serenade (Special Guest Chapter!)

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Ginny crept away from the Vampirius dorm sneakily. Her mission had been a success. A great success, thanks to her incredible skill and sneaky charm. She made her way back to Dumbledore's room with the precious information, stopping only once to make out with Ernie McMillan.

Ugh. A Hufflepuff. How far she'd fallen. If she hadn't been horribly burned and mutilated by that damn Harry Potter, she'd be making out with someone important right now instead of this disgusting Hurflepurf. Barf. Gag.

When she decided she'd had enough, Ginny pushed Ernie away, accidentally sending him down the nearest set of stairs and hurried off to meet Dumbledore in his spooky chambers.

------------T I M E S K I P--------------- :D

Moments later, Ginny arrived and kicked her way into Dumbledore's office. The gross old man had been sleeping in his chair, drooling all over his pajama wizard robes. He woke with a start.

"Oh, Kreacher, you startled me."

"I'm Ginny," said Ginny, because she was.

"Oh right," said Dumbledore, because it was right. "How went your mission?"

"Very well," said Ginny with a smirk.

Ginny told him all about the secret password to Vampirius house and about Harry Potter's very secret weakness to sleeping potions that she'd gotten because she is very sneaky.

Dumbledore was very pleased at this news, rubbing his hands together manipulatively. "Excellent news. I'm very pleased."

Behind him, Fawkes began coughing sickly, spitting up clouds of ashes. It seemed the happier Dumbledore got, the more miserable and sick the bird became.

"Your bird is gross," Ginny said.

"Ha ha, yes it is." Dumbledore stood up and stroked his old, drool encrusted beard. "You are truly my greatest, best spy. At least, ever since Snape stopped coming around. Speaking of which, has Snape said anything about me?"

"No, not really."

"Not that I care or anything but has he mentioned me in class?" Dumbledore asked, clingily.

Ginny shrugged. "I don't even go to classes anymore. I wouldn't-"

"He must not be getting my messages," Dumbledore interrupted, manipulatively.

"Are we done here," Ginny asked. "I've got to go change my bandages." Her wounds were starting to seep through again.

"Ah, of course," he said, rubbing his hands together. They made a dry, leathery sound. "But first let me give you a reward for a job well done."

Ginny was interested because she liked rewards.

Dumbledore offered her a mason jar full of a glowing blue liquid. "This is a powerful potion capable of-"

He was cut off by Ginny snatching in from his hands and chugging it down. As she swallowed the last drop she wiped her mouth and dropped the jar on the ground where it shattered. "What does it do," she asked, much too late.

Before he could even answer, Ginny felt a bizarre change within her and then she burst into blue flame. Not like that stupid, bad Harry Potter fire, but a beautiful fire that dissolved all her horrible burn wounds, healing her with magic.

"Whoa, this is fucking wicked!" Ginny screamed quietly.

Dumbledore was very pleased with himself. "Made of the finest unicorn fluids and a pinch of wailing phoenix tears. It also makes you completely invincible to fire which will prevent this from happening again when you meet Harry Potter again."

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