Important point

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Hello my beasties! It is I, your beloved author-chan, with a all new story to add to the world of the Vampair! (The title of this story was inspired by this song from the Devil's Carnival, which is probably one of the best ones in the entire film!)

This story is a little side project that I'll be undertaking along with my Duke x reader story, and frankly I've never written girl x girl stories before but I'll sure try to do my best!

So basically, this story will have two major characters that will be focused on equally!

One is you, my darling reader, and the other one is one of my OC's that I've created for this story!


age: 17

likes: books, exploring, libraries, candy, and gothic horror stories like Dracula or Lovecraft, music

what you typically wear: jeans and t-shirts, because you don't usually like to wear fancy things

Dislikes: stories with terrible endings, black coffee, long and pointless hikes

greatest fear: being rejected

Now for my OC!

Shanti Everret (your best friend in this story!)


part Indian part Latina

eye color: brown, but since she's a theater girl, she often likes to wear those contacts for theater that change your eye color so she'll usually go around with crazy eye colors like violet or red

hair color/length: dark brown with lighter highlights, she's got short hair kind of like this(except you know not pink):

hair color/length: dark brown with lighter highlights, she's got short hair kind of like this(except you know not pink):

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what she like to wear: lots of amazing vintage clothes that she likes to customize herself and interesting/gothic shoes

likes: theater, designing clothes, music, myths and legends, old movies, bubble tea, red velvet cake, fashion, musicals

dislikes: jerks, unsupportive parents, math(it's not her strong point), eggplant, and bugs

She'll be in this story too, and will also have a important part to play in what's to come in this story......

Okay, my beasties now about some other things in this story.

In case you're wondering yes we will have Duke in this story!

Also, you can count on my OC's making appearances in this story(especially Lilith, because of her nature of manipulating people.....), both from my Duke x reader story and a couple that I'll be creating just for this story!

And yes, in case you're wondering, I do have a few LGBTQ character ships that I've discovered over the years(which I totally support!)! But, I'll probably talk more about them later!

Now, let us begin our story......

In all my dreams I drown: Missi x  readerWhere stories live. Discover now