4// What's wrong with her?

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When Tom got the message from Harrison that a local vet had Tessa he could have cried. He'd finally let his brothers return to set and the four of them were waiting patiently for the dog to be dropped off, with his parents in his trailer still. His subconscious had been expecting an older woman, maybe in her early forties with glasses and a tight bun, wearing a white lab coat to arrive in a professional looking SUV or land rover to deliver the dog. Imagine his shock, when a small, beat up ford pulled around the corner and out stepped a young curvy brunette stepped out, her hair was messily thrown into plaits, like she'd slept in them (she had) and her clothes were slightly askew, though they fit her well. Her tight white tank top had hitched up enough to reveal a slither of skin above her jeans, and her burgundy shirt, that probably should have been buttoned up, was undone with the sleeves rolled to different lengths. Her untidy appearance was a little worrying given how legit the vet website was, had she lied just to get a meeting with him.

On second glance, it was clear she had no idea where she was; she opened the back door of her car to allow the dog out, but it wasn't Tom's dog, it was an Aussie, a gorgeous Aussie but still not Tess. She held the door and Tom hoped Tess would follow the first dog out, but instead a small boy climbed out, staring up and taking in the mass of trailers in wonder; finally Tess climbed out after. Tom sprung to his feet, seeing his precious dog wounded and weakly limping away from the car.

All of the Hollands, including Tom's parents who had decided to visit that day with their sons, came forward to greet the vet, was she a vet though? She seemed too young to be a vet.

"She's yours?" the girl broke the silence, looking briefly down on Tom's mop of hair that was at thigh height now, greeting the dog. Tessa was struggling to contain herself, her tail beating like crazy at the sight of her family, but her movements still slow and stiff from her injuries.
"Yeah," he breathed and without thinking Tom hugged Tess tight, nodding profusely at Betty's question, Tess whimpered and Nana was on her feet growling at him.

"Nana no," Ruben scolded "He didn't mean it." Ruben was holding Nana's lead tighter now, even though Nana wouldn't do anything too quickly that might risk knocking Roo down, he had bonded with Tess, but his first instinct was still to protect Roo.

"What's wrong with her?" Tom asked,
immediately having let go when she whimpered,

"Three broken ribs, broken leg and a lot of bruising." Betty stated plainly, her main focus being on her son and not the family in front of her, touching as the reunion would likely be "She's quite delicate at the moment; we don't really know how she got hurt but Roo and Nana found her in a bushy ditch in a park, like this." She handed the medication to the mother as she spoke, not entirely sure what else to have done with it.

Slowly the rest of the family moved to greet the pups and Tom stood up to thank her personally. He could properly see her now, and he knew her; from the look on her face, she knew him as well. Before either could say anything Ruben spoke

"I'm really sorry sir," he addressed Tom directly, standing up confidently "You would have got your dog back yesterday but I hid the collar because Nana loved her and I loved her and I wanted to keep her." Both Betty and Tom were shocked by Ruben's revalation; she watched the older boy to see how he would handle it, knowing there wasn't anything she could do about it now.

"Well you did the right thing in the end and that's what counts as far as I'm concerned pal," Tom smiled "No harm done right?" the familiar words brought a smile to Rubens face and he nodded back excitedly

"That's what Mummy said," he returned, looking at Betty for reassurance; she just nodded.

She was about to excuse them and leave when Tom's 'right hand' Harrison came bounding on to the scene,

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