12// I just thought...

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They drove in silence; Betty was still processing the information she'd just received and she was struggling to get her head around it. They pulled up to her flat all too quickly; she was still stuck in her own thoughts- she didn't even register Tom carrying Ruben in from the car and letting him into her home. She watched Tom gently put Roo to bed from the door way and wondered how often Tom had to do that for Paddy when they were younger, because he expertly tucked him in without stirring Roo at all. He looked up at her and offered her a shy smile, having not noticed her watching him before.

He shut the door behind him as he left Ruben's room and found himself stood in front of Betty again; she was leaning against the next door along (the door to her bedroom) looking down at her hands for a moment while they stood in silence

"Were you really not drunk?" she asked quietly, aware of how thin her doors were and knowing there was a sleeping child just one door away.

"You thought I was drunk?" he smirked a little "So that is why you stopped talking to me after we almost kissed." She blushed, grateful for the darkness for masking her cheeks as it meant he only saw her roll her eyes.

"We don't need to talk about it," she pleaded a little.

"I think we do," he retorted "You were only going to let me kiss you because you thought I was drunk." He reviewed

"Yeah, so?" she cringed a little

"What about now?" he asked innocently, trying his luck by stepping into her personal space and sneaking one arm around her waist. He was too close to breathe again, this time her hands were on his chest and she could feel his heart beating just as quickly as hers- he was nervous too. "Would you let me kiss you now?" he may as well not have bothered asking because a second after he finished saying the question his lip had found hers and his free hand was cupping her face gently.

Her eye fluttered closed and she melted into his hold; she was very aware of where this could go, all she had to do was open the door behind her and she could have everything she'd wanted since puberty, not only could she have her child hood crush, but also her fantasy of having Spiderman. The fantasy pretty much every young girl had. Her hand snuck to the doorknob and hesitated there for a moment before she decided against it, there was too much at stake, instead she broke away from his kiss gradually. Her head was light and all she could think about was feeling his mouth on hers again; he lent his forehead against hers whilst they regained their breath.

"You can take my car back," she spoke finally, her breaths still a little heavy, making him smile "You can bring it back in the morning on your way back to set; if Harrison follows then he can take you the rest of the way." He just nodded, before bracing himself to let go of her.

They found their way to the door somehow, and she put his keys into his hands, still on cloud 9 from the kiss.

"Let me know when you're home safe." She caught his arm when he turned to leave through her front door.

"Isn't that supposed to be my line?" he joked and they stood in the doorway, smiling at each other across the threshold.

"Well I am home safe; I just would like to know when you're home so I know you haven't died or something." She rolled her eyes and argued back, but he just grinned at her inability to hide how much she cared. He leant in again, unable to help himself from kissing her once more before he left, she hadn't been prepared for this kiss and the little squeaked noise that came from her made it even better. He pulled her flush against his body; she had to lean onto her tiptoes this time because he wasn't leaning down as far. She had to push him away this time too, because otherwise she wasn't sure she wouldn't have dragged him back to the bedroom if he'd stayed any longer. It was as if he knew this and so left with a cocky little wink sent her way whilst she shut the door to him.

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