26// ( A Brief Family Christmas)

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The month of December offered a peaceful respite from the ongoing ails and pains of long distance love. It felt like fate's oversight, a moment of relief between bombs that tried to tear the landscape of their relationship to bits. It was as though they had found themselves the eye of their hurricane and had a moment of peace and quiet; the chance to catch their breath.

After their first fight the effort made to stay in contact was minimal, greetings were cold and the conversations were simply a shadow of their former behaviours. Tom found out that he would be spending Christmas without his new found family in early December and the shock to his system caused a dramatic shift in emotions. He found himself drowning in the reasons why he'd ever made the effort before their fight, and anything that had been said in anger was nothing compared to their declaration of love at the airport. All it took was one ecstatic smile greeting Betty over face time and the world moved back into place.

Life seemed to get better from their and on the 20th of December Betty found an envelope waiting on her doorstep with three plane tickets inside and a post-it saying 'Merry Christmas Love Your Secret Santa' behind the first post-it was a second, smaller one that read: 'Don't tell a soul!' It seemed mad to hop on a plane with a mysterious plane ticket, it was insane. But she went, she told Harry and Nova and packed hers and Roo's things and they got on a plane. Nana was extremely well behaved on the flight, better than Roo, who kept screaming whilst the lights were low and he was supposed to be sleeping.

They'd never been spontaneous like that before, she'd always carefully consider anything and everything that could go wrong and end up not bothering, but something about knowing they were heading for Tom meant she was completely blindsided to taking precautions. It was actually No.8 on their bucket list: to be spontaneous. And there she was, sat on a nine and a half hour flight to a strange new country, to meet god knows who, with a three year old boy and a dog, by herself. This had to be spontaneous enough to cross it off the list.



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@justbetts.evans: "I'm spontaneous" #HarryHeadbanger #spontaneity #MammaMia #SecretSanta

@tomholland2013: Are you okay love?

@harryholland64: #spontaneity 😉

@imsebastianstan: Glad to hear it #spontaneity

@ChrisEvans: #plottwist

The plane landed in the early hours of Christmas Eve; Roo was struggling to stay conscious and was dragging his feet as he walked due to the jet lag so they were slow to leave the terminal. Betty's own tiredness seemed to dissipate at the sight of Sebastian waiting with a sign and a funny hat. She laughed with delight and rushed towards him to greet him with a hug,

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