18// Premiere

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"You're going to set again?" Nova gasped over the Bluetooth speaker, she was sat in her Uni flat, on the phone to Betty, who was driving from picking Ruben up from nursery to the set, this time at Sebastian's request.

"Yeah, Seb wanted to talk to me about something." She replied with a level of non-chalance that left her sister almost speechless "It's probably about his and Chris' first outing as a couple tonight."

"I still can't believe that you found Tom's dog..." Nova mused, making Betty chuckle "Two weeks on and you're already best buds with his famous actor friends. Your life is actually madness.

"Nov, I have to go cause we're just pulling in to the set, I'll call you tomorrow okay?" she laughed

"Yeah, yeah, go be popular you loser." Nova joked before hanging up.

"Back again?" The security guard at the barrier joked before letting her pass through. Maybe she was spending more time there than she'd thought... She let the thought plague her mind until she was out of the car and walking into Seb's trailer. Despite knowing they were together, Betty had still not been ready to walk in in Chris and Seb heatedly making out, shirtless, on Sebastian's sofa.

"Oh my god!" she squeaked, covering Roo's eyes with her hands- not that there was anything particularly on display "God, shut your door pal" She flushed red with embarrassment and the two men laughed at her reaction "Don't laugh, our innocence is ruined!"

"You're a teen mum," Chris pointed out through his laughter "You're not innocent."

"My son is," she retorted, waiting for them to pull their shirts back on before letting go of Roo's face; he was giggling away like crazy at catching Seb and Chris but he didn't know what it was exactly that they were doing of course, but his Mum was freaking out and he found that hilarious.

"Mummy, they are just kissing." He pointed out, running over to jump on Sebastian, with Nana trailing right behind

"Yeah," Chris laughed childishly and she rolled her eyes.

She settled onto the sofa where Seb and Chris hadn't been and watched the three boys interacting; she still wasn't sure why she had been summoned there, especially on a Tuesday night but she didn't have the heart to interrupt the game to ask. However, Sebastian eventually turned to her with a frown,

"When are you going to get ready?" he asked her and she chuckled with confusion

"Get ready for what?"

"For the premiere..." he stated with obviousness lacing his words "Tom said you were going with... oh" she flushed red, cringing at himself

"What?" she questioned, and then Chris visibly cringed as well

"Oh Seb you're an idiot." He muttered shaking his head and putting Ruben back on the floor.

"What?" Betty asked again, not smiling anymore.

"Seb assumed that when Tom said he was taking a date tonight, he was talking about you." Chris admitted sadly.

"He's taking a date?" she repeated, and they both nodded. Seb fiddled with the tie in his hands, trying not to look at her because he wasn't sure he could bear to watch her break apart before him.

It shouldn't have hurt to hear that Tom was taking a date, but it really fucking did; she had to keep telling herself that he wasn't hers to be possessive over because she hadn't given him an answer yet. Except that he was hers, he had said that he would wait- maybe not in so many words but he'd implied it. She didn't fall apart over it though; she just went very quiet as she took a minute to think over the new information. It wasn't necessarily that Tom was taking a date, Betty fully understood the pressure he might be under to portray a certain image- it was that he hadn't mentioned it to her. He'd been going on about the premiere constantly since they'd gotten back on to speaking terms on Saturday; so it was just the girl he'd been hiding. She sighed but that was all the emotion she allowed herself to show before she looked back up at the two men, waiting expectantly for her to cry, and changing the subject.

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