17// Indirectly break

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"Mackie I need to go talk to Sebastian," Chris argued, trying to push past Mackie, who had practically dragged him away from the set as quickly as he could and taken Chris back to his trailer

"No man, you need to sit down and think about what you're doing before you do it." Mackie scolded "Not only has your mistake probably cost Marvel thousands of dollars to reset and re-shoot that scene, you also threw Sebastian into the middle of a shit storm, man what were you thinking?" Mackie yelled. Chris had never been yelled at by Anthony before, and he didn't like it. "You could have given him a little bit of warning, after we all found out, the first thing Sebastian did was ask us to give you time to come out in a calm, collected way and then you go and pull this shit."

"Mackie I need to talk to Sebastian..." Chris persisted, determinedly.

"Hi..." Sebastian interrupted from the trailer steps, still dazed from the kiss; Chris takes this distraction to get past Mackie and he rushes toward Sebastian. They moved out of the doorway, and stand facing each other outside of the trailer; it feels painfully familiar, but also reassuringly different. Seb can barely breath from the look in Chris eyes piercing into him, he's been waiting seven years to hear the words he thinks Chris is about to say and he still isn't ready to actually hear them. They both smile a little, "Hi," Seb says again.

"Seb I love you," Chris burst straight into the speech he'd been mentally preparing since he'd be shoved off the set by Mackie. "I don't like how I feel when you're not around," he stumbled, it was all falling apart now that he was face to face with Seb and intoxicated by his presence; Chris couldn't stop stuttering and losing his words. "It's like I'm missing something. I couldn't say it before, the words weren't there, you know and then I spoke to Downey and I couldn't have said it better than he did. You, I mean having you in my life, it lifts me and I know where I belong."

Seven years of imagining Chris deliver a smooth, heart-melting speech over a fancy dinner or in a posh hotel, he'd gone over this conversation a million times in his head, a million different ways, but standing outside Chris' trailer and watching Chris stumble and trip through his attempt to explain what Sebastian meant to him, with a small frown of concentration and frustration gracing his face was the best way he could have imagined it going. He tried not to melt into the floor right there when Chris took his hand and stepped forward into his personal space.

"It's like that dumb song the kid sings whenever he gets giddy about something, with the bird and the sparks and the music- he's singing about dancing I know, but when I look at you, it's that. Seven years and it's still that; the past few weeks have shown me that I don't function without that in my life. I need you Seb, and I know that now and I'll tell anyone who asks, I promise but come back to me please..." He wrapped himself around Sebastian, his face buried in Seb's neck, fighting back the tears and trying to control his erratic breathing. Chris was terrified Sebastian would say no. "Please Seb, please... I can't... without you I..."

He clung to him desperately, easing up when he finally felt Sebastian hugging him back,

"I missed you." Seb whispered, letting Chris know that he really had a chance. He pulled away, and looked into Sebastian's bright eyes with his sad ones and found himself smiling.

"Don't ever let me be such an idiot again." He blushed, chuckling nervously; he was still shaking a little, but the sound of Sebastian's laughter help ease his anxiousness. Sebastian tucked himself back into Chris' embrace, allowing himself to revel in the moment and the feeling.

"You're such a dork." Seb mumbled into him and Chris laughed.

"We don't actually have to outwardly announce it to anyone, you know?" Sebastian spoke up after they had stood there silently for a while.

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