19// It's been a pleasure

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All of the cast were booked in for the first round of interviews for the Avengers film that would be coming out in May of 2018, not the one they were currently filming. The interviews were being held in pairs or trios in order to not interrupt the current filming schedule too much and for once Tom was sat in an interview with Sebastian and Mackie. The Marvel 'higher-ups' had deliberately organised this in order to reduce the growing speculation of tension between the three. This of course was entirely Mackie and Sebastian's doing, and they had been joking the whole time, but some magazines (naming no names *ahem* eNews *coughs*) hadn't yet caught on to the joke and it was causing a stir.

The three sat, Mackie and Tom on either side of Sebastian, waiting for the first interviewer. When he finally arrived, he was all over the place, his hair was a mess, his tie was crooked and he dropped his papers all over the floor. Being the gents they were, all three men were very gracious towards the flustered boy, who looked even younger than Tom; they helped him gather his papers and shook his hand as if nothing had happened.

"It's great to meet you all," the younger boy announced, finally settling into his chair just across from them after apologising to them profusely about being late.

"You have an accent, bro, where you from?" Anthony asked- Sebastian would have registered the thick European accent in his words, if he hadn't been distracted by Chris walking in to the room and sitting with RDJ on the sofa in the corner. He flashed Seb a cheeky grin, knowing they weren't all supposed to be in the one room at the same time- there was a definite correlation between the number of cast members in one place and the amount of spoilers that leaked.

"I'm actually from Romania," the interviewer, who asked to be called Alex, after introducing himself as Alexandru. Sebastian's attention was recaptured hearing Romania mentioned,

"Oh really, no way, that's cool man, so am l." the two men spent a second bonding over their common ground, letting Alex relax before they moved into the actual interview part.

"Okay, so we all know that this film is over run with all sorts of superheroes," Alex began "What has it been like to meet and work with so many great actors?" Anthony led the answering of this question, with the other two nodding along in agreement.

"Do I have to ask this question?" Alex asked, looking behind the camera to his boss who had to escort him here, and nodded with a glare "I'm really sorry mate," He looked at Tom, shaking his head in disbelief at the questions "I'm a research guy, I don't know why they put me in for an interview; I don't mean to sound like a dick, but I also don't want to get fired. So, has being one of the smallest guys on set impacted your ego; has it made you want to prove your capabilities more?" The three older men laughed at the way Alex cringed asking the question.

"I don't think my size made a difference," Tom replied with a laugh, trying to help the boy out by making the interview easier on him. "I think my age made me feel a bit inferior, like all these other actors had so many more years of experience in this world and I didn't want to be left behind, but I also really wanted to keep myself grounded; I don't know if that impacted my performance at all though."

"For real man?" Seb asked because Tom hadn't admitted that to any of them before

"Yeah, well you've been in this world for almost a decade but I'm still learning how to get my tights on without ripping them you know?" He joked to lighten the mood, making Anthony and Seb laugh.

"In all seriousness," Seb began, fighting back his laughter as much as he could to get out what he hoped to be a heartfelt message "Tom is one of the most capable actors on this set; he is incredibly humble and his character by design needs him to be lean and flexible and I think, personally, that his performance is consistently incredible." Tom flushed red, never having heard Seb talk about him like this before; he shook his head to refute Seb but Mackie spoke before he could.

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