The cruise of a lifetime!

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Hello everyone ! :) This is my first book and i hope you like it.

This story is about some high school friends to go on a cruise together. They all have a crush on someone else but not all of them know about it. As love comes out, drama filled twists and turns test the connections they have. The cruise turns into something more, something much greater than just a cruise.'

                                                                Chapter 1: School

        "Jacob wake up." My mother called. Ugh, Time to get ready for school. I rolled out of bed and flicked on my light. I had to find clothes to wear, something cute, something with swag. I have to catch Tori's eye. She's so gorgeous, the only bad part is; we've been friends for 3 years and she doesn't even know how i feel :/

        I started my shower, gathered my clothes, a towel, tooth paste & brush and stepped in. It felt great; the warm water just streaming down my face. After  my shower i got dressed, dried my hair and went downstairs for breakfast.

        "Good morning sweetie, I made ya pancakes and eggs." I love my mom, she's great. "In 25 minutes we're heading off to school. So eat fast."

After my food was gone i chugged some milk. "Mom! im ready, just gotta grab my phone and backpack" Mom was probably Finishing up her final touches. She had to work after she dropped me off. When we got in the car i checked my phone, i had 2 texts.

        Danny: Morning bro, meet me at lockers when you get here. *types message* "ok, omw now."

Danny was one of my best friends. Were pretty close, almost like brothers. I've known him since 7th grade, now we are both seniors in high school. Mid-Semester; term 2.

        Jennifer: Good morning best friend ! See ya in Chemistry :) *types message* "Morning, Can't wait :)"

Jennifer is my best female friend, she's great, funny, nice, down to earth and also the newest member to my circle of friends.

I Got to school and went to my locker, as expected Danny was there waiting for me. Just like every other morning. We had our first class together, Econ. Class went by pretty fast, Danny and I talked the entire time. About College, plans for tomorrow night, and most of all; the cruise.

After class it was time to go to class with Jennifer :) When I got to class, i was greeted by a hug.  We sat next to each other and we were both fairly decent when it came to chemistry. We both like science so we didn't need to pay as close attention as the others. After we half chatted half took notes for an hour and a half it was finally time for lunch.

Lunch time was the most wild, loud and exciting part of the school day. it was when all of my friends were together.

There was 9 of us in my group of friends. We were all seniors at Long Beach High School in California. Our alliance started in middle school when Danny, Shauna and I became a trio. Then Freshman year Michael, Dana and Tori joined the club :) Justin& Tyler came along sophomore year and Jennifer joined us last year.

During lunch we all sat together and made plans to go to the movies tomorrow night. Its gonna be Friday night and were all going over to Dana's for sleep over sorta thing after the movie.

Tori was looking so hot today. She always dresses up, every day. Everyone was excited for tomorrow night. I was gonna use it to get closer to Tori, and maybe finally tell her how I feel. Danny's finally gonna make his move on Jennifer. Little does he know, she's liked him since she first came around; but she made me promise not to tell him until she was ready.

After school Danny came over and we did homework then listened to music and played GTA5 on x box. Mom made Spaghetti w/ meatballs and garlic bread. Yummy.

After dinner Danny and I popped in one of our favorite movies: "This is the end". We fell asleep during the movie, 8 hrs later my mom was waking us up for school.

I hope you guys liked my first chapter. Vote, Like and comment if you like it. Ill Upload as soon as I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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