Chapter 7

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Their feets landed on the cold, hard ground. Sara was still scared and still would not say a word.

"Are you alright?" Peter asked.

"What does Hook want? What does everyone on Neverland want with me?!" She started to quietly sob.

"Where's Felix?" he asked.

Sara looked up, her eyes slowly becoming red. "He went to gather some bark wood. I waited until you came flying down."

A bell was heard. Pan quickly react and pulled Sara behind a big rock.

"What's going on?" Sara asked.

Pan placed his finger on his lips and Sara remained quiet. He peeked a little and saw a ship slowly making their way into the cave.

Sara gasped. "We have to get out of here!"

Pan asked her to remain quiet once more. He held his hand and they quietly tiptoed to the next rock beside them.

"Be alert, men. Peter Pan may be a boy but he's actually a demon." Hook said, surveying around the dark cave.

Pan shook his head to the right, motioning her to head right. Sara nodded and crept to the right and crouch behind the rock.

"Oh, Peter Pan." Hook called out with a smirk. "Aren't you going to come down and play?"

Pan told Sara to keep on moving on. "Go. I will take care of this."

Sara nodded and ran. She stopped when she saw the height of the cliff. She had no other choice but to dive into sea and face off with the mermaids once more. She held her breathe and plunged into sea.

Pan flew down to Hook's ship with a big smirk on his face. "Why, hello captain. How long has it been? Two weeks?"

"I have met you recently, Pan. It was just yesterday." He said, adjusting his hook.

"Ah, yes. Very recently." He laughed and flew down.

Sara swam across the sea, hoping she was not seen by any pirates. Sara felt as it someone grabbed her hand and when she turned around, she was dragged into a big, brown bag. Sara tried to scream but it was no use.

"Give me the girl, Pan." He requested.

"Never! She's mine. And you know the rules, Hook. I always get what I want."

Hook ran forward, swinging his sword towards Pan. But, he disappeared, with green smoke that was left behind.

"Remember my words, Hook. I always get what I want." His voice echoed around the ship.


Pan laughed in victory when he flew back to the cave. "Sara! That was fun! We should do that more often-" He realize she was not back.

Felix ran into the cave.


"Pan. Sara... She has been captured by Hook's crew." He told.

Pan widened his eyes and furrowed his brows. His fist clenched with fury. "Gather up the Lost Boys. We're getting ready for a fight."

Felix nodded and ran out of the cave, calling out all of the Lost Boys.


Sara breathed in heavily. She was still inside the sack. She couldn't handle this! She's very claustrophobic! "Let me out!" She moved around and pushed the sides of the sack.

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