Chapter 23

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If you guys watched some episodes from Once Upon A Time s3 on YouTube, you would know who Zelena is.


"I am Zelena, wicked witch of the west from the land of Oz."

Pan smirked and walked over to her, realising Hook. "You're a lost child, Zelena. And you know it." Pan reached to his pockets and took out his enchanted pipes and began playing. Pan knew she could hear it when he heard Zelena gasped.

"You can hear it, can you?" Pan asked as he stopped playing. He smirked, knowing that she is a lost child.

"So what if I can hear it?" She asked, turning away and feeling her heart sink. Zelena is a lost child. Her mother abandoned her when she was just a baby. Her mother didn't want her. She found out the answers the hard way.

"You are abandoned! You're lost! You're not wanted by anyone even your own mother!" Pan yelled, making Zelena drop on her knees to cry. Pan had an evil smile on. "Good. Keep on crying, Zelena. Keep on crying."


Sara fluttered her eyes open and close and found that she was still in the secret cellar, with no way to get out. She groaned and stood up. Rubbing her head, she winced.

"Hello miss." A voice greeted behind her. Sara turned around to find a man standing behind him. Short, plump and old. Mr. Smith.

"What do you want?" Sara asked, her eyebrows furrowed. Mr. Smith chuckled and hold up an iron tray filled with different variety of food.

"You... brought me lunch?" Sara asked, taking the tray away from him. She raised an eyebrow and stared down at the plate of grilled steak and mashed potato.

"Well, if you're going to stay in this ship, best to feed you. If not, you'll die." He chuckled. He popped the door open and climbed out. Now, Sara knew how to get out. She grinned and began munching down on her food.

Once she was done, she rose up and tried to imitate what Mr. Smith did to get out. There was some kind of lock hidden.

After minutes of searching, she manage to find the lock. She pressed on it and the door slowly opened. Sara was proud and began to sneak out of the room.

Now, she was out. But, she wasn't out yet. She needed a plan on how she is going to get out of the ship without being seen by the crew and without being eaten alive by the mermaids. She looked around the cabin room and found a long coat hung on the wall. She grinned and put it on. She could pretend to be a pirate crew and try to get out.

She looked left and right and then tried to walk out. But, someone had already spotted her and yelled, "The girl has escape!" Sara gasped and threw the coat away and plunged into the sea and somehow fainted in the process.

Sara awoken on the shore. She looked around and found that she was on land, near the water of a lake. She was rested on a log.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked as a head emerged from the waters. Sara stood up and slowly backed away. She knew she was a mermaid and she knew that mermaids aren't friendly.

"You're a mermaid..." Sara whispered. "Don't hurt me..."

"I won't hurt you," she assured. She had red hair and that was all Sara could see about her. "I'm Ariel."

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