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We're about 20 minutes from the apartment and stuck at a red light. Mads is singing the abcs at the top of her lungs, and the girl in the car next to us at the light is definitely annoyed and giving me dirty looks since our windows are down as the a.c. decided to go out the day before we made the two day 20 hour drive here, but I don't care she's having fun so the lady can kiss my ass.

All of sudden I see a Hummer coming up behind us at the light, but they're not slowing down and there's not a thing I can do.

The next thing I know we are flipped upside down in the middle of the intersection. The Hummer had slammed into the back end pushing us forward into the intersection. I don't know how many times we've been hit, but it's bad. Where I was sitting, the drivers side area, had been hit at least three times head on. I can feel my whole body so at least I'm not paralyzed, but fuck everything hurts. I'm struggling to breathe; I definitely have multiple ribs cracked on both sides. I think there is a piece of the steering wheel in my right side, under my ribs. My left arm is broke probably in more than one place and the same is true of my right leg which is pinned in. My head is killing me, my face hurts, and there's blood dripping in my eyes. My ears are ringing, but sound is slowly coming back. 

There's crying and screaming. Is that me? 

Oh shit Madeline.

"MADS?!? MADELINE?!? Baby can you hear me? I need you to speak to me okay? Madeline please"

"Sissy I hurt"

"I know baby, but it will be okay. I promise." 

Is that smoke I'm smelling? Oh god what if the car blows? I have to get us out of here, but how? What if our backs or necks are broken? I could paralyze one of us just by moving a little.

"Ma'am can you hear me? Hey! We need to get you out of here."

Who is that? Are the paramedics here? No no its the girl from the car next to us.

"No no NO DON'T TOUCH ME. If you move us, you could paralyze us."

"I know, and if the car wasn't smoking, I would wait for the paramedics to help me. But, we don't have the time. I'm a surgeon at Grey Sloan Memorial, and I swear I will do everything I can to get you out without making your injuries worse. Okay? But, we need to get moving now." 

"Get my sister out of the back first please. Please help her. Please" I say desperately. She nods her head and goes to the back. 

"Hi honey. My name is Jo. I'm going to get you out of here okay?" The girl says to Madeline.

"No" Madeline's little voice says. She starts screaming for me.

"Madeline it's okay. She's going to help us so do what she says okay? Please for me"

I hear the woman Jo getting Mads out of her car seat. I'm talking to Madeline the whole time telling her that everything is going to be okay and that I love her. 

"I'm going to get her away from the car and come back for you" I distantly here Jo say. I'm blacking in and out of consciousness.

*cough, cough* I'm coughing up blood which can't be good and god I've never been in more pain. 

"Okay, first, we're going to move your legs so there's nothing pinning them. Then, we're going to undo your seat belt, and Dylan is going to hold you while I try to stabilize the piece in your side. Finally, we'll pull you out. Okay?" I hear Jo ask. She has a guy with her. I guess he is the Dylan she's talking about. He's a little older than me. Dark brown hair, brown eyes, really attractive.

I grunted out a yeah, and Jo started moving my legs as gently as possible but quickly as the smoke was getting worse. I couldn't help the whimper that escaped my lips, and she stopped. I was going to black out. I couldn't take it. It hurt too much.

Dylan started talking - distracting me, encouraging me, helping me. 

"Fuck babe I know this hurts, but you're going to get through it okay? You have to. You have to stay with us. Your sister is Madeline right? She needs you so you have to stay with us for her alright?"

Da fuck who's he calling babe? He's lucky I'm in too much pain to give him shit. And I guess he is being pretty freaking nice helping me and he's hot so...

"Yeah. Let's just do this. I'll be okay"

They started moving me again, and Dylan kept talking. He told me his name and that he was intern at Grey-Sloan. He asked me my name and how old I was. I think I told him my name was AJ, that I was 19, and that I was starting med school, but I don't know I keep coming in and out of consciousness. It hurts so much. I thought I had a high pain tolerance, but this has me rethinking that.

Finally, they have me out. The last thing I remember is Dylan cradling me in his arms and running from the car. I hear an explosion and black out completely.

Alex Karev's Forgotten Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now