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I come to as I'm being rolled into an emergency room. Dylan and Jo are with me and they're shouting orders. I can't make a lot of sense out of what they're saying.

"Mads? Madeline? Where's Madeline? MADELINE!" I start panicking. I don't see her. I'm straining against the straps of the stretcher. If it was hard to breathe before, it was near impossible while hyperventilating. People are pushing me down telling me to calm down, but its not helping. If anything, they're making my panic grow.

All of a sudden, Dylan pops back in front of me, leans forward, and kisses me! My eyes go wide before closing as I lean into the kiss. 

All of a sudden he gets yanked back

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All of a sudden he gets yanked back. He's being held by the back of the neck by this short woman who couldn't have been more than 5'0 but who was more than little intimidating. "What are you doing?!?" she demands.

 "What are you doing?!?" she demands

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I've stopped hyperventilating

"I, uh... I read once that... Holding your breath could stop a panic attack. So when I kissed her... She held her breath." (Any Teen Wolf fans?) He then throws his arm out pointing towards me saying "And see it worked! She's not panicking anymore, and she stopped hyperventilating so everything's good!"

"Everything is not good! You can't just go around kissing patients!" The woman yells at him.

"It helped." I say quietly. They all look at me. I quickly flick my eyes to him. He's rubbing the back of his neck looking uncomfortable as hell. He probably regrets helping me. I mumble a quick "thanks" looking away embarrased.  

I clear my throat "Now could someone please tell me where my sister is? Is she okay?" My voice cracks, and I feel even more pathetic.

Dylan grabs my hand lightly looking down with a slight smile and says "She's going to be fine AJ mostly just superficial wounds."

I nod letting out a huge sigh of relief. "Head CT?" I question.

"Clear. She's being checked out by one of the best. Karev is the head of pediatric surgery. I'm Dr. Bai-"

"Alex?" I interrupt feeling my face lose its color. No no no I don't want to see him again after all these years like this. I don't want him to feel like he has to be my savior again.

"Yes you know him?" The doctor asks confused by my reaction I guess.

"I don't feel so good" I mumble as everything fades to black.

Alex Karev's Forgotten Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now