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"WHAT?" I try to jump up from the wheelchair, but the key word is try as I yelped in pain collapsing back down before I'm fully up on my feet.

"We were notified of a minor who is set to be discharged while their sole guardian is set to remain hospitalized for at least a week. Therefore, the child will be taken into our custody."

"No no no no I'll sign myself out so she-"

"You're the guardian?" she asked me with a raised eyebrow and a bit of a sneer. [Italics means extra emphasis/the word is drawn-out]

"Yes" I state through clenched teeth.

"Well I would recommend against disobeying doctor's orders if you ever want to get custody back."

I feel like the world is closing in on me, and it's getting harder to breathe. My eyes fill with tears. This can't be happening.

"No no no you don't understand she can't go into foster care -"

"Because she is going to be staying with me." Alex interrupts me. "I'm Alexander Karev. Amber and Madeline's older brother. I'm the head of pediatric surgery here." He states while reaching out and shaking her hand.

The woman is looking between the two of us. She clearly was not expecting that, but neither was I. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. Maybe everything will work out. Alex can watch her for a couple of days until I'm out. 

"Um...well...if you're really the older brother why aren't you on the paperwork?" she asks him.

"We've just recently moved from a different state to be closer to Alex, and I didn't get the chance to update it yet" I reply.

"Well that's unfortunate, but without the paperwork, I'm sorry but I will be taking her with me. Once you've filed the paperwork and if everything checks out, you should be able to get custody back." 

Oh god no. I feel my heart drop. This conversation really cannot be good for my health or sanity.

Alex starts talking again "Please Miss?" 

"Miss Deville"

"Miss Deville. We both know how long of a process it will be if you take Madeline into custody and how unnecessarily damaging it will be for her when she has a more than capable older brother willing to take custody. I mean not to brag, but if the head of pediatric surgery at one of the best hospitals in the world can't take care of her and keep her healthy and safe, who can?" 

Thank god Alex has always been good at charming women.


"Please Miss Deville you know this is the best option for everyone." Alex states.

She lets out a big breath "Okay you're right. I'll need to see your i.d. and add you to her paperwork."

"Thank you so much!" I exclaim. I'm so relieved I feel like I might pass out.

She walks out to make a call and fill out the paperwork.

"Thank you Alex. Thank you so much for doing this, for being here. I can never repay you for keeping her from going into the system."

"Hey. Look at me. You both have got me. I swear to God. I'm not going anywhere away from you two again"

 I'm not going anywhere away from you two again"

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We hug it out, and the CPS lady walks back in. 

"Okay everything checked out, and you are all set to take custody of Madeline Dr. Karev."

"Thank you again" Alex and I both say.

"Your welcome."

"By the way," Alex asks "Who notified you about Madeline?"

"Oh it was a doctor from here. Let me check." She looks through the paperwork. "Ah here it is" she exclaims when she finds the right document. 

"It was Dr. Jo Wilson that called." 

Alex Karev's Forgotten Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now