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Alex POV

"We're going to lower the stuff down to you now," I tell him as the bag of supplies is carefully lowered on a rope.

"Got it!" Dylan says.

"Good there's some sanitizer in there for you to use and to clean her skin. You're going to have to put a chest tube in to try to help her breathing. Then, focus on stopping the bleeding from all of your guys' wounds."

"Shit," I barely hear him mumble.

"Yeah, but she has to have the chest tube. You can do it." He nods and turns to go put the chest tube. I hope Amber remains unconscious during it. I know how painful it's going to be.

Dylan's POV

Fuck I don't want to do this. I'm not even sure I'm technically allowed to do this yet without supervision, but I guess it doesn't matter right now. I just don't want to cause her more pain, put her in anymore danger. We're literally covered in dust and debris, and I'm about to use a scalpel on her. Goddammit I just wanted to get her out of her hospital room, get some tacos, and spend time with her. Not shove a tube into her chest because her lungs collapsed! How was I suppose to know elevators were going to start killing people? To death! (Any Teen Wolf fans? ;)

Suddenly, her eyes flutter open. If it weren't for bad luck...


I'm in even more pain, and I can't breathe. I struggle to grasp at my chest, but someone grabs my hand and brushes my hair out of my face. As my vision clears, I see Dylan come into view; he looks so pale. "Hey pretty girl, I'm going to help your breathing, but to do that, I'm going to have to put a chest tube in you, okay?"

Fuck me guess my day is getting worse. I try to give him a smile and say, "I'm guessing this wasn't in the plan for our d-date?"

"Well, Plan A never works."

I feel him cutting the hospital gown, and in any other situation, I'd be beyond mortified, but at this point, I can't bring myself to care too much

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I feel him cutting the hospital gown, and in any other situation, I'd be beyond mortified, but at this point, I can't bring myself to care too much. He then cleans the area before I see him bring the scalpel towards my chest. 

"I'm sorry," he mutters as the scalpel meets my skin.

"S'not your fault. Just do it," I manage to get out. Even though the cutting hurts, I know it's nowhere near what's about to come. I see him bring the plastic tube towards the opening, and I can't help a whimper escapes my lips. 

"You're going to be okay Amber," I hear Alex's voice comes from above me. "Both of you can do this."

Seconds later, I feel the tube pushing in, scraping inside my chest. A scream is torn from my lips, leaving me even more breathless. I see Dylan's face tighten, but he continues inserting the tube which I'm thankful for. The faster he does it, the sooner I'll feel better. However, I continue crying, screaming, groaning.

But suddenly, I hear an all too familiar two year old's voice that silences me as tears continue cascading down my face, and I grab Dylan's hand stopping him from continuing. I won't be able to hold it together if he's pushing the tube in.

Alex POV

Out of nowhere, I see a little two year old running between the legs of the gathered crowd straight towards the open elevator doors. I quickly scoop Madeline into my arms before she can hurt herself. I don't know how the hell she ended up here; she's supposed to be in daycare! Instead she's hyperventilating, crying, and screaming for her sister while running straight towards an open elevator shaft that could kill her.

I manage to make out some of what she's saying: "Sissy! Sissy hurt! Sissy!" How did she hear about this?!?

Suddenly, we hear Amber's voice, "Mads baby, it's okay. I'm f-fine." My heart breaks even more hearing her. She's being so strong trying to calm her sister when she's the one in pain, the one whose life is in danger.

"Sissy come!" Madeline orders.

"I can't Madeline. Not right n-now. Listen to A-Alex for me okay? Hes going to stay with you."

"No Jo wil-,"

"No Alex please stay with her, take care of her. It's better for both of you."

How am I supposed to argue wih that? "Okay I'll stay with her."

"Be a g-good big girl for me. I love you Madeline, Alex."

I swallow back my own emotions and kiss Madeline's check before saying, "Tell sissy you love her."

"Love you Sissy!"

"Love you baby," Amber barely manages to whisper loud enough for us to hear.

As I'm walking Madeline back to daycare, I hear an earpiercing scream that I know belongs to Amber, and I can't help cringing, knowing the pain she's going through. Haven't we suffered enough in this family?

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