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I'm so sorry it took this long for an update, and that it's rather short! I try to keep up with weekly updates, but sometimes life just doesn't always allow me the time or the privacy to work on my writing. Thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting; it really does mean a lot as you guys seriously make my day when you do, and it gives me motivation to continue this story! I hope you continue to enjoy it :)


AJ (Amber) POV

Dylan presses the 1st floor button, and the door closes with only us on it. It starts moving down when suddenly, there's a loud metal screeching, and the elevator drops rapidly.

I feel like I'm lifting up like I'm lighter than normal.

Then, with a loud grinding screech, the elevator stops falling...but we don't.

Dylan and I are both slammed down, and I feel pain everywhere and am struggling to breathe. We were only falling for a few seconds, but it felt longer. 

"AJ? You alright?" Dylan groans out. 

"N-no. Ch-chest hurts. Can't b-breathe" I gasp out.

"Shit you probably punctured your lung when you landed." He gingerly makes his way over to me; he must have been hurt in the fall too. I'd ask if he's okay, but I don't have the air to do so. I'm laying on the ground on my right side in the tipped over wheelchair. I can feel the blood pooling from the torn stitches on my abdomen and the various new cuts.

"Fuck the wheelchair I-I'm going to have to move it AJ to get to you. Can you lift yourself off it at all?"

I grunt but put weight on my arm and lift myself up barely. He quickly pulls it, and I whimper as it still drags against my side. Although that seems like the least of my problems as my chest is killing me.

Once he gets it out of the way, he is kneeling beside me and helping me turn over on my back. He leans down and listens to my chest while tapping.

"I think your right lung collapsed. One of your broken ribs must have punctured it. You're going to need a chest tube." He continues looking me over. "Stitches tore and need to be redone." He checks my pulse in my right arm and then the left which is when I see the first true look of fear cross his face momentarily before he covers it with a false calm and collected face. 

"What?" I croak out. 

"Nothing. Nothing. We just need to get out of here quickly. Where the fuck are they?" he says. He gets up and tries the emergency phone, and apparently, we're cursed because it's hanging half out of the wall with the number pad gone. Dylan then starts banging on the door yelling for help, and I'm just concentrating on not passing out as black spots start clouding my vision. 

Alex POV


I snap my head to the noise, and I think my heart stops as I start running. It's the elevator Amber just went on. 

"What happened?!?" I exclaim as I make it across the floor to the elevator doors where a crowd has started gathering.

Bailey arrives with a construction worker demanding a message be put across the loudspeaker ordering everyone to avoid the elevators and notify her if anyone knows someone has gotten on them recently. I feel panic setting in at the look of fear on her face. I don't think anyone up here knows her well enough to see it except for me and Mer.

"Bailey Am-Amber and Dylan just got on this elevator before the screech. What happened? Tell me they're okay. Tell me this is some kind of fucking drill, and that my little sister is okay."

"I- There was a construction accident a floor up that we think cut through the elevator cables."

I feel like I'm going to puke before the construction guy starts talking.

"But the screech is actually a good thing it means the fail safe kicked in and stopped the fall. According to the lights it looks like they're between floors two and three. We just need to wait for the fire department rescue crew to get here. It should only be a hour or so. There was a power outage in the next city over so they're-"

I cut him off. How can he be so fucking nonchalant? Their lives could be at stake. "That's not fucking good enough! That's a floor and a half drop. They could be seriously hurt."

"I know Alex." Bailey tells me "I know. We will get her out of there safely. I've got Casey Parker hacking into the emergency elevator phone so we can get in contact with them. And I've sent the helicopter to pick up the crew so they'll be here as soon as possible. You have to keep it together."

*bang, bang, bang* "Helppp! Help!" we hear from the elevator, and everyone cheers. But, I don't. There's only one voice yelling, and it's not Amber's.

Alex Karev's Forgotten Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now