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Sensational.. when you kiss on my neck and I feel like I'm floating

Sensational... your lips are soft as chocolate with sugar coating

Sensation runs down my spine whenever you're on my mind
Our love seems more affectionate when we're intertwined

The pressure against our bodies makes me feel warm and complete
As you thrust with every stroke and I no longer feel my feet

When we're making love no one else seems to matter
Even though we're making love I always seem to have laughter

I'm not laughing at you because you can't perform
I'm just really goofy I laugh at everything that's just how I'm formed

When we make love you don't have to be serious
The experience is a learning journey because we both are just curious

Curious to find passion we each seem to yearn
Tell me if I'm doing it how you like and we both can learn

I find your hot spot and you find mine
We're beginning to climax and I arch my spine

As my energy builds & our bodies collide
I change our position & start to ride

At this point my pleasure takes over my feeling
Bouncing and twirling while my legs are trembling

You match my movements as you move your hips
At all the right angles I can feel your d*ck

You're grunting I'm moaning we're almost there
At the moment you just don't care

You tossed me on my stomach & you slide it in from the back
I could hardly scream in time my voice started to crack

Now all I see is flashing lights..
This is the best sex we've had compared to the other nights

Your thrusts are getting slower you're coming to an end
My breathing slows down and my back; I bend

You pullout and release your sweets on my body
Then you hold me tight and kiss me, your toffee

We lay down and cuddle you tell me you love me
I love you too; your love is all that I need

See how sensational activities can happen so fast?
Sensational feelings for you; that's my task

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