Regular Sunday #1

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I sighed as I fiddled with my black bow tie that was extremely crooked.
Lazy employees can't even take a few moments to fix a bow? I growled under my breath before re-adjusting it.
Sundays were the most boring day of the week, yet since the place is closed, it gives me time to think.
About freedom from this horrible place.
An imposter took our life away...... I sung to myself as I hopped off the stage andI headed towards my room.
( yes, they all have rooms! It's my story! Plz don't judge)

It's unusually quiet..... I observed as I looked around for any clues to trouble.

As I played my guitar I heard a faint tap on the tiled floors. It's probably Freddy. It's room cleanliness inspection. He needs everything to be in place. Pretty hard considering this is a kids' pizza place.
Freddy walked in all casually, looking for anything on the floor, bed was made etc.
I sure hoped he wouldn't spot anything.
Or else I'll get punished.....

2 months ago.....
Are you sure it's spotless? Freddy growled at Foxy who was fiddling with his hook.
It's clean. He said as he turned to the walk away.

FOXY! Freddy boomed as he yanked him by the collar of his shirt.
What is this? Freddy said impatiently as he glared at Foxy.
It's a bed moron. Foxy chuckled.
No! What is wrong with it, you dumbass?
It's not made! Foxy said proudly.
Yes. It's not made. Freddy growled impatiently.
Now you'll pay. He growled.
Foxy didn't talk for weeks after that.
Congratulations, Bonnie. He said as he straightened his top hat. It's pretty good.
He walked out closing the door behind him.
I could've sworn I heard him say: let's hope Chica's room is near as well.

I heard swift movements coming from Bonnie's room.
It's inspection time! I said I clutched onto my stuffed cat. I desperately looked around for a mess but before I could do so, Freddy walked in looking around and under everything.
I looked at him for approval.
He simply nodded and left the room after smoothing the creases on his shirt.

What on earth? I began as I lifted up my shoe to see what I stepped on.
A water balloon?
A trail of them leading to backstage?
I wouldn't be surprised if Foxy was behind this

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