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Credit goes to....... NerdyPerdyPink
I really want to ask Y/N out on a date. But where would we go? It's May, so the carnival isn't here...... a walk maybe? Nah..... I was thinking a lot about this. A movie? I thought to myself. Yeah! But would we see? I don't know what genre she likes....... horror maybe? Yeah! I can be her knight in shining armour!
(A/N not exactly! Read on!!!)
Hey, babe! I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me! I gushed as I handed her a bouquet of fresh stolen roses.
Awwww, of course I will, Teddy! Y/N wrapped her arms tightly around me and she sighed resting her head on my shoulder.

Timeskip brought to you by McDonald's

We are here! I sang as I opened her car door.
What a perfect gentleman. She observed as she kissed my cheek.
Let's go in! I said as I carried her. She laughed and she buried her face into my neck.
You're taking me to see it? Y/N said jumping around with joy. I love horror movies!
If you're scared, you can hide behind me. I teased as I purchased popcorn and beverages.
As if! She boasted. You'll be the wuss!
Sure. I chuckled rolling my eyes. Whatever you say.
Soon enough we arrived in the theatre. After two minutes of stupid commercials, the movie finally came on.

This movie is great! I thought to myself as I stared at the screen. All of a sudden, Freddy grabbed my shoulder and he was shaking.
Are you ok? I whispered as I rested my hand on his chest.
Yeah! If course I'm okay! He whispered back whimpering slightly.
The rest of the date went on like that.
Once we arrived back at the pizzeria, I said I had to go home to sleep, since I'm coming back tonight.
Would you mind staying over? Freddy whispered as he took my hand.
Like for the night? I responded.
Yeah.... I'm scared. Freddy said as his grip on my hand increased.
Alright, you big baby! I giggled as I kissed his neck.
He picked me up and he set me down in his bed.
His grip was extremely strong.
Freddy.... I whispered hoarsely. I can't breathe.
Sorry. He responded as his grip loosened on my waist.
I turned over so I could face him. I buried my face into his chest and wrapped my arms around his shoulder.
He sighed and he cuddled me like a teddy bear. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
I love you, Y/N Freddy said as he fell asleep.
Love you too. I whispered as I shut my eyes.

Sunday, 8:00AM

I should go wake up Freddy now. I wonder if he'll let me call him that....
As I opened the door, Freddy was asleep beside Y/N? Omg! I tried not to fan girl as I quietly closed the door.

Since when did my room look like this? I mumbled.
Oh yeah! Freddy was scared of that movie! I thought to myself.
Good morning, sweetie! Freddy said as he kissed my lips. I returned it.
Wait there! Freddy said. I'll go make breakfast!
Doesn't the pizzeria open in an hour? I mumbled.
Shit! Freddy mumbled.

Human!Freddy x reader (Completed) Book 1/2Where stories live. Discover now