Back together

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Your POV
I woke up and rolled over and sighed remembering that Freddy wasn't there.
I decided to get ready early. Pulling my hair into a french braid and eating etc. That brought back memories.
The place where Freddy would usually sit. The left side of our bed. The champagne glass that remained in the sink from a few days ago. Everything hurt. The remains of the book I'd bought especially for him.
Now I'm getting angry. Never mind....
Hot tears began to pour down my cheeks.

Freddy's POV
After a night of restless sleep, my eyes slowly opened. Rolling over to my right I remembered that Y/N wasn't there.
I glanced over at Chica and Bonnie who are cuddled up against each other.
I have no memories of her. Well, my photos. But that book. She'd bought with love. Her love that doesn't exist for me anymore and never will again.

Your POV
Once I arrived at the restaurant, I greeted my squad and we worked together to serve food and drinks.
Around when my shift was ending, Ms.Yanny came up to me.
Y/N! We have a skip the dishes order! You were requested to deliver it! Go!
But Ms.Yanny-
I'm sorry, Y/N. We guarantee satisfaction to all customers. Also, just head home after. It's a longer drive.
I cooked 5 burgers, 4 orders of fries and 5 waters.
I pulled up to a hotel.
Ok.... Floor 3, room 104...... a suite. Must be a couple....
Stop. I kicked myself in the shin.
I knocked on the door only to make eye contact with Freddy.
Oh.... sir, here is your order.... that'll be 30.-
I broke down in heavy sobs.
It's ok..... Freddy's soothing voice filled my ears.
I'm sorry.... I chocked on my sobs as Freddy brought me to his chest and lied down on his hotel bed.
What for? He was chocking on sobs as well. I should've known you wouldn't have cheated. His tears rolled down my uniform.
Chica picked up the food and quietly closed the door.
Can we eat? Foxy whined, ruining the moment.

Bonnie's POV
Sure..... Freddy mumbled half-asleep.
Let them rest. Chica pulled over a blanket and sighed. I'm glad they're back together.
I miss Goldie. Foxy sighed.
He's with Mari. I responded. She's the only nice toy. The others seemed fake. Foxy nodded in agreement to my statement.
Shh! Chica shushed us. Let them sleep. Freddy didn't get any sleep. Y/N probably didn't either and she worked for five hours straight today.
Wait. I know I'm going off topic but,do you think Mari isn't all nice as she displays? Foxy mumbled but we all heard him clearly.
All 3 of us froze in place, but Freddy snored and stirred.
Maybe.... Bonnie sighed. But-
Goldie is easy to trick and to obey rules. Pointed out Chica.
You're saying that Goldie may eventually be like them? I finished.
Let's just go to sleep and talk later when there're awake. Foxy glanced at Freddy and Y/N who were under the covers with Freddy snoring softly.
Sure. Foxy pulled out the covers on his hide-a-bed and fluffed his pillow.
Chica and I returned to our bed and snapped off the light.

What's happening with Goldie?
Is Mari fake?

Was the food good? Lol 😆

Human!Freddy x reader (Completed) Book 1/2Where stories live. Discover now