Jealousy(sad chapter)

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It's not fair! My brother gets everything! Little kids(he preforms), praise and a girlfriend! He was a pissy dick before Y/N arrived. I love her. She's perfect. I'll have to break them up! Besides, Freddy is so easy to piss off! Y/N also trusts me! This'll be a piece of cake!
I saw Y/N and Freddy slow dancing and it wasn't even a slow song! Honestly? 😑
I'll just wait until he leaves!

Hey, Y/N..... I began to act.
What is it? Are you ok? Y/N asked as she looked into my eyes.
No..... I began. Y/N, Freddy is cheating on you.
What? She whimpered tears began to roll down her cheeks. Please tell me it's a sick joke.
Why would I tell a joke like that? I responded as I pulled her into a hug.
Mmmm.... I'd better go now! Her voice cracked harshly as she quickly walked out of the pizzeria.
Perfect! Now to find Freddy.
I saw Freddy reading a book.
Hey, Y/N said you were an ugly and annoying fatass.
DId SHe NOw? Freddy said in this creepy tone. Whatever. Y/N will be mine! I even got to her before Foxy!!!!

I'm going to go confront Y/N. Why did she call me annoying? That hurt my heart. A lot. I thought she loved me. Oh well. I'll return the pain she gave me.

Why would he cheat? Was I not good enough? Did he just use me like Samuel did? Was I too annoying? Too immature? Was this other person smarter? My eyes began to water. At this time, Freddy barged in looking angry.
WHY WOULD YOU CALL ME A FATASS? Freddy roared, his pupils were all black. Not a hint of blue anywhere.
You cheated on me. I pointed out, still shaking from fear.
Cheat on you? Freddy scoffed. I probably would date another girl if we weren't dating.
Why would I call you a fatass? I asked on the verge of tears;  and what do mean you'd date someone else.
It meant exactly what I said! He spat, getting impatient. I've had enough of you today.
Freddy walked out of the room with his fists still clenched from that blow.
Ow.... I whimpered rubbing the place where I just got slapped. I felt tears coming. I decided to leave and not come back. I've worked for a bit over one week. If Freddy's had enough of me then fine.
I broke down. Even though he really hurt my heart, I still somewhat love him. I quickly walked out of the pizzeria quietly.

Why would Y/N cheat on me? I growled at Chica.
I don't think she'd do that. She mumbled, shaking. Who told you anyway?
My brother. I sighed.
You know, your brother was very jealous of you guys. Chica said to me, her purple eyes now serious. Even more than Foxy.
Do you think he- oh no... Freddy mumbled shaking. I have to go find Y/N! I sprinted to the office, only to find a tear stained table and her hat.
Fuck..... I don't think I'll ever see her again. I whimpered before covering my eyes with my hands.

I'll call the manager tomorrow. It's 3:30AM. I mumbled before going upstairs to get to bed. Even though I wasn't tired. Who did Freddy cheat on me with?

Ring! Ring! Ring!
I checked the caller I.D.
I declined the call and I shut off my phone. I don't wish to talk to Freddy now.

So it really is over.... I sobbed as I put my phone down. I crawled into my bed and didn't move for the rest of the night.

(The next chapter will be happier, I promise!!)

Human!Freddy x reader (Completed) Book 1/2Where stories live. Discover now