You break up?

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Sorry! I had too :(
Freddy's POV
I don't like Y/N hanging around all those males. She is getting quite close to them now. Not acceptable. At the moment, it is 4:30AM and Y/N is curled up on my side and her head on my chest.
I thought about her and Mike sharing their liking for puns....
Does she have an affair? I thought angrily as I moved in the bed causing Y/N to stir and roll over to the opposite side of me.
Her ruffling Jeremy's hair, her stealing Fritz's donuts.....
I must've have been tensing up since Y/N is now awake.
Are you ok? She asked.
I merely nodded. She insisted that I wasn't ok and I said I was. She went to sleep again, curling up on my chest.
I know what she's doing.
She's being all nicey-nice so she can woo me over.
Then she'll cheat.
I'm not gonna deal with this shit when it happens.
I'm breaking up and leaving tomorrow.
But where to?
A hotel would work.
I nodded off and went to sleep.

Till the very next day
I brushed my hair and decided to comfort her while she was eating breakfast.
She had already made breakfast and everyone was already here.
I'm breaking up with you Y/N. I said simply.

Your POV
My world came crashing down.
Break up? I whispered, tears filling up my eyes.
Yes. He finished humbly. You have an affair with those other waiters.
I don't! I responded. I love you and only you.
Why the hell do you ruffle Jeremy's hair, steal Fritz's donuts and tell puns with Mike?
I see them as friends! I responded as I wiped tears from my cheek. I love you, Freddy.
Bullshit. C'mon guys! We are leaving.
But Freddy, she wouldn't cheat- Chica was cut off.
The animatronics gave me a final look before packing up and leaving. Freddy still had that book I gave him.
So I guess- my thoughts had stopped when Freddy ripped up the book.
This book is shitty. He threw down the remains in front of me.
Goodbye. Freddy walked out along with his sad gang.

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