Meeting with the Fazbear crew

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Alright, once again the one with Mike worked well. You should have the strategy in your notebooks. If you don't, well too bad.
I saw Chica carefully write down another plan I had just written.
The cold-turkey phone plan
#1 mute the phone
#2 act like we do towards kids
#3 kill
I have an idea, boss. Chica said timidly while raising her hand.
Yes? I asked looking in her direction.
We could transform in our human forms? Like one of us-
No. I sighed glaring at her. That won't work.
If it was your idea, you'd act as if you found a cure for an illness. Bonnie scoffed while glaring at me. Why are you so rude to Chica?
But why won't it work? Chica said while glaring at Me. If it's not Y/N from 12 years ago, she could be a dumbass.
She could also be a genius. I stated as looked her in the eyes.
But what kind of nightguard would think we have human forms? Bonnie said standing up for Chica the 2nd time this meeting.
We could change in the kitchen! There's only audio!! Foxy said completely ignoring my expression.
YEAH!! All of them cheered in an immature matter.
Fine. But if in any way this plan fails, you will all have to deal with a consequence. Chica's in charge. Meeting adjourned. I said as I packed up my note pads and I walked to my room to be alone.

Why isn't Freddy ever happy? I mumbled, though ,everyone heard me.
He wasn't really happy as a child either. Goldie pointed out. I was his older brother. I don't think I've haven't seen him smile once. Ever.
Have you guys seen what Y/N looks like?
It may not be her... but ok. I responded.
Chica nodded and sprinted away.
I got it! Chica said returning and handing me the file.
I opened and saw.......


It really is Y/N! I said as I looked at the picture.
She's gorgeous. Goldie said as he transformed in his human form.
Gorgeous or not, she's back. Foxy pointed out.
I remember that her and Freddy got along quite well. I said as I stared at Freddy's closed door.
They did. We all responded as we headed to sleep for a little.

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