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Freddy's POV
It's so nice to have my girlfriend back. I kissed her cheek and sighed with content. However, it was early and no one was up, so I just went back to sleep.

???'s POV
I like it here. It'll be so easy to get rid of them!

Bonnie's POV
I woke up to a loud sound from Y/N and Freddy's bed.
(Stop getting these thoughts!)
I rolled over only to find Y/N..... in Goldie's grasp?
LET GO! Freddy yelled furiously as he attempted to punch his brother.
How about..... no! Goldie laughed along with Mari. Why would you trust us? She laughed and shook her head. Idiots.
Let her go, honey. Mari told Goldie.
Yes, honey. He harshly dropped Y/N on the ground and she landed on her head.
You stupid motherfucking bastards! She shot as she began closing her eyes.
FREDDY! Call 911! I panicked as he whipped out his phone.

Your POV
That was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

Are you ok?
Will you be in a coma?
As Goldie was holding you, did he somehow break your mind?
I'm making a sequel!
It'll be uploaded tomorrow!!

Human!Freddy x reader (Completed) Book 1/2Where stories live. Discover now