Spare me?

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First things first, I want to thank everyone that is supporting this book!!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Once I arrived at my apartment, I was still shaking. A lot. I decided to heat up the leftover pizza.

Swigity swooty I'm coming for that time
Credit for that goes to.... @Ang_0314
I don't think I can trust them..... I told myself. Chica just handed me over. Like she wanted me to die......
Maybe it's a joke.....
No. That's going to far. I went upstairs to sleep for a few hours.

It's 10:00PM, by the way
Ugh. Nightguards.
They're a waste of space in my own pizza place,
They are a nuisance and stupid too! Watch out, Y/N! I'm coming for you! I mumbled as I stared at the office.
(Sorry I love rhyming so..... 😂 😬)
Boss? Chica tapped me on my shoulder.
What? I asked impatiently.
Bonnie is.......... not well. Emotionally......
What's wrong now? I growled glaring at Chica which caused her to stiffen up.
It's Y/N...... he thinks she'll be dead .....
Well tell him she will be! I snapped. Now, get back on stage, fatass.
No. Freddy why are you so rude? You say be polite, act mature and all that, then you yell. Yelling is immature. You're immature. Chica said as she clenched her fists.
STOP. I interrupted.
No! I won't! Do you really want Y/N dead? Remember how close you guys were? Chica wailed.

14 years ago....
Freddy! A little voice squeaked as she ran up to hug me.
Y/N! I said as I picked her up. She giggled as fiddled with my top hat.
I like your hat!! She said as she hugged me.
Thank you, Y/N.
Oh! I have a gift for you! Young Y/N said with excitement. She held up a messily wrapped up box. It was a hand-drawn picture of us with scrawly writing at the bottom.

You are awesome, Freddy 😊

Chica....... he began trembling. She-I-.......... She won't talk to me again! She hates me and-
No she doesn't. Bonnie said interrupting Freddy. All three of us made pizza, boss. It's in the kitchen.
I'm not hungry..... just eat without me... he mumbled before looking down.
Boss, I'm sure she still likes you! Goldie said as he patted my back.
If not, she's mine. Foxy scoffed as he rolled his one eye.
She probably hates you. You hurt her best friend. Chica observed as she crossed her arms.
Yeah, dipshit. Bonnie scoffed. Her frontal lobe was gone.
She/he lived. Foxy shrugged as he rolled his eyes.

Shut up, Foxy! I growled. You're rude, inconsiderate and-
Let's have the pizza now! Chica said as she ran off to the kitchen.

I quickly walked to the office without making eye contact. I didn't bother to make eye contact with any of them. Especially not Freddy. I sighed once I sat in the squeaky chair and I checked the cameras. Where is Freddy? I mumbled as I frantically spammed the camera.
I'm right here. I heard a oh-so familiar voice.
No! I tried to escape but he had a firm grip on my shoulder.
Y/N...... he whispered as he looked into my eyes. I'm sorry for attempting to kill you. I missed you.
Awww, Freddy...... I said as hugged him. Can you carry me? I giggled breaking the moment.
Fine. I sighed before lifting her up.

I love you, Y/N. I thought to myself

Human!Freddy x reader (Completed) Book 1/2Where stories live. Discover now