Chapter 3

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Eren woke up and felt someone lying on his chest. He cracked an eye open and chuckled at the sight. It was Levi sleeping soundly and peacefully. He looks like an angel. He thought to himself. He toyed around with Levi's hair for awhile before he heard a grunt and felt the weight on him lift up.

"Good morning, Levi. Had a nice sleep?" Levi yawned and stretched. Eren had to look away for a minute because he could easily see the taunt muscles and now was not the time for him to get aroused. "Yeah baby I did. Last night was amazing too." Levi sat on Eren's lap and kissed his forehead. Eren laughed a little and nodded in agreement.

"So where are we going today?" Levi asked while playing around with Eren's hands and fingers. He didn't really know why but he was always amused by them. "Hmm, how bout the library with a cafe in it? I know how much you love books and tea so why not join the both of them together?" Eren said happily. Levi's face immediately turned bright. "Yes yes! Books and tea are like the perfect combination I swear."

"Sure I believe you. Hey, its nice seeing you excited about something. Usually you always have that face on un-amusement. Not saying its bad or anything but its cute to see you excited." Eren playfully kissed Levi's cheek.

"Tsk brat stop teasing me. I haven't been to one in awhile so thats why I'm both happy and excited." Levi said while rolling his eyes. Eren apologized with a little chuckle and brought their foreheads together.

"I love you, Levi."

"I love you too, brat."

They both smiled and kissed.

"I'm gonna go have a shower now and then we'll have breakfast downstairs then we head off, alright?" Levi got off Eren's lap and walked to the bathroom.

"Okay!" Eren shouted. He walked to the bathroom with intention to join Levi. He tried his best to push any dirty thoughts behind his head and just have a quick shower. Luckily for him, his self-control was good and nothing happened except for a few occasional kisses.

They got changed into going-out clothes and headed downstairs for something to eat. Eren pulled out some bread and some jam while Levi helped to fry some eggs and bacon. Levi wore an apron and was currently pouring some oil to the pan.

"Well, don't you look all cute and feminine?" Eren laughed. Levi turned and glared at him. "Eren shut up and pass me some plates." Eren nodded while still laughing and took out some plates.

They ate pretty quickly and headed off to the library. They decided to walk because the weather was pretty good and the library wasnt that far. In about ten minutes they reached the library and went to the cafe first.

"May I take your orders please?" A lady in about her twenties politely asked the couple. "Sure, um one Earl Grey tea for me and a cup of Latte for him thanks." Levi said.

The cashier nodded and when Levi was just about to take out his wallet, Eren had already paid for the drinks. "Today is my turn to pay baby." Eren kissed Levi on the cheek. "But-" Levi was cut off by another kiss on the mouth. "No Levi. Its my turn." Levi finally gave in and nodded. "Thank you Eren." They gave each other a loving smile.

"You guys make a cute couple." The cashier winked. They both thanked her with a grin. After a few minutes, they took their drinks and went to find a seat. They found one near a shelf of books labelled "Classics" and one more labelled "Comedy". Levi was surprised of why the two genres were next to each other but didn't put much thought in it.

"Alright I'm gonna find myself a book from the shelf over there okay? You can find some other stuff you want." Levi walked to the Classics shelf and hummed softly in happiness. Ah the beautiful classics.

He almost immediately found his favourite Shakespeare classic, Hamlet. He took the book and walked back to his seat. When he got there he saw Eren reading a book already.

"Hey, what are you reading there?" Levi asked as his plopped himself down on the seat next to Eren. "Some book about this vampire kid who goes to high school but no one knows he's a vampire and he has this really huge crush on a girl and wants to make her his. Its pretty funny actually. You should read it sometime."

"Sure maybe one day."

They both read in silence.

"Hey Eren?"


"Can I lie on you while I read? I feel lonely." Levi pouted. "Aww of course you look so cute pouting." Eren cooed. Levi stood up and sat on Eren's lap sideways. He lied down on Eren's chest and snuggled into the warmth.

So cute. Eren smiled. They stayed in that position till they finished reading their books and decided to have a small bite in that same cafe.

They ordered a few pastries and another round of drinks. By now it was probably already late noon. Levi decided that he was done of reading for the day and wanted to go home and watch some movies. While cuddling with his boyfriend of course.

"Let's go back after we eat. I want to watch a few movies with you. Is that alright?" Levi asked. "Okay sure no problem. Honestly speaking I was getting a bit bored reading." Eren grinned. Levi stared at him for a while before grinning back.

"Books are not boring, they are really educational."

"Okay okay books are educational. I wont deny that."

They both finished their small meal and headed home. Once they reached home, they took yet another quick shower, orders by the clean freak aka Levi, and changed into comfortable clothes. Levi had to wear Eren's because they haven't moved his stuff into Eren's house yet.

"You look so adorable in my shirt. You're so small and the shirt's big." Eren said while hugging Levi. "Well I have nothing else to where now do I." Levi said. Eren let go and pecked Levi's lips and pulled him to the couch.

The both of them argued on what to watch for about half an hour before deciding to watch a romance comedy movie. They cuddled next to each other and watched the movie peacefully.

Soon, they both of them fell asleep on each other. The sight was extremely loving and cute. Levi's head was resting on Eren's shoulder while Eren's head was on top of Levi's head. Their fingers were intertwined together like there was no other place it should belong to.

After one hour, the both of them woke up and chuckled at each other because they fell asleep halfway through the movie.


"Hey can we go to my place tomorrow to get my stuff?"

Eren nodded and joined Levi into bed. They previously ate a simple dinner of instant noodles and some juice.

"Okay sure." Eren lied down beside Levi and faced him. He stared into those gray eyes. Its so gray and beautiful. Levi stared back and move forward to kiss Eren.

Eren felt Levi's lips against his and immediately kissed back. He brought his hand to the back of Levi's head and deepened the kiss. Levi licked Eren's bottom lip and asked for entrance. Eren complied and open his lips to let Levi explore and have a taste of him.

Levi immediately slid his toungue in and explored the hot cavern. After a few minutes of heatedly making-out, they separated as their lungs needed oxygen again.

"I love you so so much. Never leave me or anything." Eren said while carrasing Levi's neck.

"Don't say things like that. Of course I won't leave you. You're so good to me. I love you so much too." Levi kissed Eren once more before lying down on the pillow to get some sleep.

"Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight darling."


Phew there you go here's Chapter 3 for y'all. By the way sorry if there is any mistakes its like 2 am here right now but I'll come back and fix it with my trusty ipod heheh.

I hope you guys like this chapter! <3

(Also one more thing, I currently don't have much ideas for the next chaps so if you have any ideas or prompts you would like me to write do tell me and I'll try my best to write it! You can comment down below or inbox me c:)

Thank you!

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