Chapter 18

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"Come on babe let's go." Eren motioned for Levi to hurry up and go. Today was the day of their 5th anniversary and they were heading out for the dinner. Levi was standing infront of mirror, checking his hair for the last time. "Alright I'm done. Let's go." Levi smiled at Eren and opened the door to let the both of them out and head to the car.

They both were dressed in a tuxedo, looking smart and fine. They both got in the car and buckled up. "So, we're we heading to?" Eren asked. Levi just smiled. "We'll be there soon. Just wait." Levi squeezed Eren's hand lovingly. Eren just nodded and began looking at the scenery outside. They passed by the park and that immediately reminded Eren of that incident with Levi and a small girl.

"Hey remember that time we went to the park and you helped a small girl? It was so cute I don't think I can ever forget this." Eren laughed. Levi gave him a side-eye glare. "It was just that one time Eren. Don't think I'll do it again so shush." Eren just laughed even louder. "Okay baby if you say so." Eren leaned forward and kissed Levi's cheek. Levi just hummed in response.

"5 years huh? Thats long." Levi scoffed. "Yeah it is. Half a decade Eren. Remember the first time we met? You were shy as fuck and kept on stammering and blushing." Eren grunted. "Hey excuse me don't blame me. I had a huge crush on you that time and I happened to trip right infront of you and that was embarrassing."

"But it was cute. Well, now I think its cute. During that time I thought you were an idiot who trips over air so." Eren slapped Levi's arm and sulked. "I'm not an idiot." Now it was Levi's turn to laugh. "Of course you aren't. I don't date idiots remember?" Eren looked at Levi before kissing him one more time. "Yes I remember alright."

"Alright we're here now." Eren looked around. He has never been here before. It was really nice actually. The restaurant was facing the river and there was a bridge over it. It was really romantic. "Where are we? This place is nice." Levi locked his car and put his hands into his pockets. "Somewhere different. I knew you'd like it. Pretty huh?" Eren smiled happily and nodded. It was indeed a great place.

They both walked to the restaurant and told the lady at the door that they booked a table for two. The lady did a few clicks on the computer before leading them to their table. The table was at the side and had a beautiful view of the river. Eren thanked the lady and sat down. The restaurant was beautiful too. It had the dim lighting and soft classical music and also alot of small lights everywhere on the walls.

"How did you find this place?" Eren asked curiously. "I searched up on the internet and found this." Levi suddenly kissed Eren. Eren's face turned crimson red. "L-Levi! We're in public!" Levi sat back and crossed his arms. "And?" Eren looked at Levi in disbelief. "Babe if I want to kiss you in public I will. Nobody's gonna stop me." Levi said while smirking. Eren tried glaring at Levi but was too flustered to. "O-Okay then don't do it too often." Levi just nodded and laughed.

They both ordered steaks with some red wine. Levi insisted to get the red wine. Levi actually had a bit of a obsession with red wine but never really admitted it. Eren just gave in but ordered a glass of water for himself. The food was excellent too. The steak was tender and just right and the wine was delicious.

"The food here is great!" Eren said with his mouth full. Levi looked at him in slight disgust. "Eren can you please not talk with your mouth full its unhygienic." Eren just flashed a bright smile and wiped his mouth. "But its really good!" "Yes yes I know. Please Eren eat more decently." Eren actually liked annoying Levi sometimes. It was fun.

"Later we'll go for a walk around the river okay? It'll be really pretty when its dark." Levi said while sipping on his glass. "Oh yay! Alright then!" Eren took his glass of wine and tried it. He wasn't as much of a drinker as Levi, so he didn't know how to actually drink it. He thought Levi only drank it slowly because he was afraid to make a mess. Eren took a huge gulp and swallowed. Suddenly Eren turned into a coughing mess.

"Eren! Why did you do that for?!" Levi patted Eren's back and ordered another glass of water. When the water came, Eren quickly drank the water to sooth his throat. Eren took a few deep breaths to calm himself down before talking. "How do you even drink this?" Levi just sighed. "Babe you are supposed to drink it by sipping. Not gulping it down especially for an inexperienced child like you." Eren let out a 'ah' indicating he finally understood.

They both finished their food and drinks and Levi called for the bill. He glanced at his watch and looked at the time. 8:30 pm. Perfect. Usually around this time there won't be people on the bridge. Levi paid for the bill and stood up. Eren also stood up and excitedly went out. He really wanted to see the river.

"Brat stop running." Eren stopped and turned around. "Levi hurry up!" Levi just shook his head at Eren. What a child. Eren pouted when Levi didn't speed up his walking but eventually Levi caught up with him. Eren grabbed Levi's hand and walked hand-in-hand. Eren liked doing that. It was sweet and loving.

They began walking around the river first, admiring how the water rippled when the wind blew on it. There were also alot of lights around, making it even more romantic. Eren kept saying how everything looked beautiful and kept looking at everything. Levi loved looking at Eren doing things like that. He was so innocent and adorable.

Soon, they reached the brigde and stopped in the middle. They were the only ones there. Eren looked down at the water and admired it. Suddenly he felt arms encircling his waist. "Baby." He heard Levi murmur into his ear. "Thank you for bringing me out here today. Its beautiful and I love it." Eren said while turning around to face Levi.

"You're welcome. Hey listen," Eren looked at Levi in anticipation. "Yes?" Levi took a deep breath. "You know I love you right?" Eren stared in confusion but nodded anyway. "And that you are the only one for me, and you are my literal life heck I don't think I can live without you. You are always there for me and you know me better than anyone else. You know what pisses me off and what doesn't. You know how to make me smile even when I'm in a depressed mood. You are always so forgiving and you can never stay mad at me. You can right through me even when I'm lying. I swear, its fate that we are together here." Eren just looked at Levi, trying to absorb everything that Levi was trying to say into his brain.

Suddenly, Levi knelt down on one knee. "So, Eren Jaeger, will you do me the honors of being my lawfully wedded husband? I promise to make you the happiest person in the world and I will never fail to make you smile and feel loved." Levi opened a box and there in the middle was a sliver ring, studded with diamonds. It was simple yet beautiful.

Eren couldn't believe his eyes or his ears. Did Levi just propose to me? Tears were running down his face. He couldn't say anything yet. "E-Eren?" Then Levi felt his body being crushed by Eren in a tight hug. He felt Eren nodding and crying. Levi laughed softly. He can't say anything. Such a child. Levi pulled away from the hug and held Eren's face.

He pulled their lips together, making this their first kiss as an engaged couple. "Don't cry. You don't look good crying." Eren wiped away his tears and smiled. "I love you Levi. So so much. Thank you for everything. Oh my god I cannot believe this is happening right now Levi I'm so happy." Eren kissed Levi once more before hugging him again.

Levi brought Eren to stand up and hugged him properly. Eren was still slightly crying and staining his shirt with tears but this time, Levi didn't mind. "I love you too. So much. And thank you too." Eren looked at Levi. "What for?" Levi smiled.

"For making me happy."


read the author's note ❤️

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