Chapter 6 (Part 1)

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Light from the sun shone in through the windows, brightening the room by just a little bit. On the bed, were two bodies, lovingly wrapped around each other. One had his head on the other's chest, while the other was resting his head on the other's head as well. Soft breathing was all that could be heard in that room. Everything was peaceful till a beeping noise started to engulf the room and annoy a certain sleepyhead.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Levi groaned when he heard his phone ringing. He stretched his arm to grab his phone and shut it off for the mean time. It was too early in the morning to answer anyone. He returned back to his initial position when he realized he was facing directly to Eren's chest. He snuggled into the warmth of his boyfriend and closed his eyes, hoping to fall back asleep again. He felt the body he was cuddling with stir and move around. He looked up to see his extremely adorable boyfriend scrunching his face before softly snoring and sleeping again. The sight had Levi feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside. He needs to stop being so adorable and cute. Sleep found him soon after and he fell back asleep.

It was about three hours later when Levi woke up again to find himself alone on the bed. "Baby?" he rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. No sight Eren. Levi assumed he must be downstairs already and just wore sweatpants and walked down. He was right and he found his boyfriend in the kitchen cooking some breakfast. Eren still hasn't noticed Levi's presence yet.

Levi walked up to Eren quietly as possible before hugging Eren's waist and kissing his neck. "Good morning, baby." Eren nearly screamed in fright. "Levi! Don't do that! I'm cooking and I might get hurt if you scare me like that." Eren breathed heavily and shook his head. "Alright alright I'm sorry. Are you almost done? I'm starving here." Levi chuckled and hugged Eren's waist tighter. "Yeah almost give me five more minutes. Do me a favour and set the table, would you?" Levi nodded and quickly set the table and even grabbed some juice and poured two glasses for each of them.

Levi sat down and patiently waited for Eren to finish up. He remembered that someone had called him this morning and took out his phone to check. But before he could see who had called him, Eren walked in with a steaming plate of fried bacon with a mushroom omelet. "Wow, Eren it smells really good." Eren sat down infront of Levi and took out portions of the food to eat.

He glanced at Levi and stared in awe when he saw Levi shirtless. Levi was really built eventhough he was short. He could see the defined muscles and toned abs. It was probably about a few minutes before he snapped out of his trance, and found Levi smirking haughtily. "Like what you see, huh?" Eren blushed red. "I-I uh.. I w-was just.." Levi leaned forward to kiss Eren. "I like teasing you a lot. Its fun." "S-Stop! Levi will you stop embarassing me!." Eren looked down at the table to hide his face. "Don't hide your beautiful face. Look at me." Eren glanced up and looked into Levi's loving eyes. He could see love radiating from those grey orbs. "I love you." Eren suddenly blurted out. Levi looked at Eren in shock before smiling and repeating the exact words to Eren. They spent the whole morning eating, mostly feeding each other.

"Oh by the way, this morning I heard your phone ringing. Who called you?" Eren asked while wiping his mouth with a piece of tissue. "I forgot to check. Wait, hold on." He took out his phone and unlocked it. It was obvious what his passcode was, Eren's birthday. Eren was blushed when he found out the passcode. Levi took one look before sighing and groaning. Of course, it had to be his annoying bestfriend, Hanji. He was positive that Hanji and his other bestfriend, Erwin, which happens to be Hanji's boyfriend, wants to spend the day with him. Its not that he hated them really. They were the only two people besides Eren who are still friends with him and can endure his shitty attitude and talent at being an asshole. The only problem was that Hanji can get a little carried away and way too happy in public. Thank god for Erwin otherwise Levi would have to bear the consequences of hanging out with that creature. "Why? Who was it?" Eren looked worried. I must have let out such a depressed sigh. "It was just Hanji. I bet she wants to hang out." Levi rolled his eyes. Eren now understood why Levi made that sigh. He too have experienced Hanji's way-too-excited moods and been constantly cooed by her because he was Levi's boyfriend.

"Are you gonna go out with them today?" Levi shrugged. "I don't know. I have to see first whether she really called me for that reason. Let me call her back eventhough I really do not want to." Eren laughed a little and Levi clicked on the dial button. Three rings later a shrieking voice answered it.

"LEEEEVVVVVIIIIIII!" Levi had to pull his phone away from his ear so he wouldn't have an impaired hearing because of Hanji's unnecassary loud voice.

"You don't have to shout stupid."

"You didn't pick up this morning when I called you!"

"I was sleeping peacefully till you had to interfere with that."


"Will you please get to the point of why you called me and for the millionth time, there is no need to shout its annoying."

"Okay okay. Stop being so grumpy will you. Anyway, I called you because I wanted to see if you and Eren are going to be free this afternoon. Me and Erwin wanted to catch the new movie and he wanted to make a double date with you guys! Doesn't that sound fun?"

Levi rolled his eye for the second time. "Wait let me ask Eren." Eren looked up and waited for the question. "Wanna go out with Hanji and Erwin for some double date shit?" He could hear Hanji screaming over the phone explaining why the double date was not shit.

"Do you want to?" Levi shrugged. "I'll go if you go. I don't want to be alone with the two of them and be an awkward third wheel." Eren chuckled before nodding. "Alright then I'll go." Levi returned to the phone.

"Yeah he said its fine."


"Yes okay alright we'll be there. Goodbye."


Levi clicked the end call button.

"So looks like we are going on a double date at Trost Mall at 3 pm." Levi breathed out. "Okay then. We have about 4 hours more. Wanna watch a movie?" Eren suggested. "Alright sure but let us shower first." The both of them got up and made their way to the bathroom to clean up. After about 20 minutes, they came back to the living room all clean and fresh. They put on a comedy movie and begun watching it. Levi was really worried about the date. He prayed that Hanji wouldn't do anything embarassing.


sorry for the extremely short chapter but no worries i'll post up the second part tomorrow or latest the day after :) i've been really busy with work and stuff so forgive me for being late! See you in my next update! <3

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