Chapter 4

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The next morning they got up pretty early and went to Levi's house to get all his stuff. They tried their best to ignore the stares given by Levi's now ex-neighbours and at one point Eren got so afraid the neighbours might scream at them, he hid and followed closely behind Levi which was difficult as he was much taller than him. Levi assured they would be fine and patted Eren's head. After a few hours, they drove back to Eren's place and spent another hour settling Levi's things.

"Phew finally we're done." Eren plopped down the couch and laid his arm over his eyes. Levi chuckled and sat down next to Eren. "Thanks again for letting me move in with you." Eren smiled and kissed Levi's forehead. "Welcome baby."

They both sat next to each other, in a comfortable silence, trying to get their energy back again. Suddenly, Levi stood up and walked to the kitchen. "I'm going to make us some tea so stay put." Eren just nodded and smiled.

After 20 minutes, Levi came back with a tray which had two teacups and a teapot. "Japanese green tea." Eren could immediately detect the type of tea just by the smell. "Yes you're right. Its green tea. Drink up Eren you need to stay hydrated or you'll get sick." Levi said while pouring the tea for the both of them.

"Yeah yeah drink lots of liquid so I don't get dehydrated and sick. I've heard that so many times from you already Levi." Eren said mischeiviously. Levi glared at him. "Well I'm doing it for your own good so shut up and listen to me." Levi sat down with an angry huff. Eren looked at him apologetically. "Hey I didn't mean to mock you. Although your nagging makes you sound like an old man, I know you care for me. I secretly love it with you tell me all this medical shit about my health that I probably won't even understand. You're so smart I don't know how you did it." Eren traced Levi's face lovingly.

Levi's expression soften and he patted Eren's hand. "Reading helps baby. Why do you think I love reading so much? It broadens my knowledge and I find satisfaction when I learn something new. And excuse me, old man? Just because I'm older than you, I ain't an old man alright." Eren laughed which struck Levi's heart. There was always something about his laugh Levi loved so much. "Sure sure baby. Come on let's drink its getting cold."

They both drank their tea and savored the taste. Eren looked over at Levi just in time to see Levi sipping. Eren noticed the way Levi held his cup by the rim was odd but really unique. He wondered how he did it. Curiousity got to the better of him and he tried holding the cup like how Levi did and ended up spilling his tea all over his pants.

"Ow! Hot! Hot!"

Eren jumped around and ran up to his room to change his pants as fast as possible and got rid of the scorching heat. When he was done throwing hai dirty pants in the laundry basket, he came down panting but with clean pants. "Eren what the hell were you doing? And are you okay?" Eren sat down on the couch, regaining his breath before talking.

"Yeah I'm fine now. Just now I noticed the way you were holding your cup and tried it. I guess I couldn't do it and spilled the tea all over myself. How do you do it anyway? And why?" Levi sighed before answering. "Idiot. Look, when I was younger, I had this really beautiful teaset and it was also the first expensive thing I ever owned. But when I gripped the handle of the cup, it broke and the cup fell and smashed. So, after that incident I always held cups by the rim, even for cups with no handle. Its a habit now I guess."

"Oh, I see. Well, I'm clearly never trying that again. I find it really unique I don't know why. Not many people do that. You're just so special you know that?" Eren said while pouring himself another cup of tea. Levi scoffed and sipped his drink. "And so are you to me." Eren smiled and snuggled closer to Levi.

They began talking about their backgrounds and how they were brought up. Eren did most of talking and Levi just stared at him, wondering how perfectly perfect his boyfriend was.

"Levi!" Levi snapped out of his trance when Eren shouted his name and snapped his fingers. "Oh sorry yes you were saying something?" Eren pouted. "You weren't even listening." Levi kissed Eren's pouting lips. "I'm really sorry. I was staring at you and admiring your beauty and perfections. I can write a whole essay just about your looks."

Eren's face flushed red after hearing that. He never though himself as perfect and now his lover was here, telling him how perfect and beautiful he is. He loved that Levi always made an effort to make him feel like the happiest guy on Earth.

"Say something and woah your face is really red. You okay there?" Levi looked at Eren with a concerned look. Eren cleared his throat before speaking. "Y-yeah I'm fine! Thank you for telling me all that. I really appreciate it. You're sweet." Eren climbed on top of Levi and started peppering his face with tons of kisses and in between, murmuring words like "I love you"and "I'm so lucky to have you".

Levi pushed him off to the side and Eren fell off him. "Stop that you're making my face all wet and dirty." Levi said while wiping his face with a piece of tissue. "I know you love it." Eren began taunting Levi and occasionally sexily smirking which started to turn Levi on. Before he could stop himself, he held the back of Eren's neck and smashed their lips together. Eren squeaked a little but moaned when he felt Levi's toungue begin to lick around his hot cavern.

"You're too hot for your own good Eren." Levi playfully smacked Eren's butt and earned a moan. Eren hopped on Levi's lap and started grinding down on Levi's clothed dick. Levi threw his head back in pleasure. Eren took the opportunity to bend down and kiss the expanse of Levi's milky and exposed neck. He focused on one spot and began sucking and nipping on the skin. When he was done, he pulled away to inspect his work. He smirked when he saw a huge red spot on Levi's neck. He was pretty sure Levi would kill him later but that was the least if his concerns right now.

He heatedly kissed Levi again when he thought of a really great idea. He never tried it before and he was sure Levi would love it.

"Hey baby. Let's go up to the room. I've got a little show for you." Eren sinfully stared into Levi's eyes and he could see pure lust reflecting from Levi's eyes. Levi smirked before carrying his boyfriend up to the room.

Oh, he was definitely going to enjoy this.


Yayy chapter 4 is up. Sorry for the really short chapter and the delay though I've been kinda busy with school and stuff so. I promise the next one will be longer. :)

I think you can kinda get what's gonna happen next c; Await for the next (smutty) chapter

Oh and one more thing, about Levi and his way of holding cups is true. Also, there is an explanation of why he is a huge clean freak incase you didnt know ; when he was young, he used to live in a very slum-down enviroment which was always dirty and never cleaned. So he always longed for a clean environment.

Alright done chatting bye and see you in my next update! <3

(By the way, one more thing, I just changed the title a little bit and the story description because I didn't like the previous one. Oh, and I also changed a few mistakes here and there in Chapter Two. So that's why you can see that I updated "Chapter Two". I didn't change the storyline or anything so don't worry. This is to clear any sort of confusion. c:)

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