Chapter 7

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"What are you doing on my lap? You're not a cat dumbass." Levi said while looking down at Eren who was now currently curling up on Levi's lap.

"But I am adorable and cute am I not?" Eren looked up and stared into Levi's grey eyes. Levi stared back at those teal-green eyes and he swore, just by staring, people could drown in them.

"Yes. Yes you are now get off before I lose control and start attacking you with kisses because you're being unreasonably cute and its pissing me off." Levi glared at Eren.

Eren laughed and laughed. "No. I am going to sit right here and be all cute and adorbs. Just for you." Eren started snuggling into Levi and occasionally pouting cutely. He was basically trying to imitate a cat.

Fuck, this brat is too cute for his own good. Levi couldn't take it anymore and carried Eren off his lap. He pushed Eren on his back and hovered over him. Eren was happy at the response and began grinning like an idiot. Levi began peppering the boy's face with a thousand small kisses. Levi could hear Eren giggling and felt Eren squirming under him.

After Levi was satisfied, he stopped and looked into Eren's eyes once again. Eren was now a blushed, wet mess. Eren wiped his face with his sleeve before cupping Levi's face and kissing him passionately.

They pulled away and gazed lovingly at each other. Suddenly Levi got off and sat back at his initial posture and grabbed a book to read. "Eren go make us some tea will you." It was more of a demand rather than a request. Eren groaned but nodded anyway.

He walked over to the kitchen and took out two teacups and a pot. He quickly made some tea and brought it infront. "Thanks love you." Levi said as he carried his teacup while reading. Eren hummed and said a you're welcome back.

Soon, Eren got bored and wanted to go out. "Baby let's go somewhere." "Where to?" Levi asked. "I don't know. Anywhere. I'm bored and I just want to get out. Please?" Eren pleaded. He didn't like being cooped up in the house all the time.

Levi sighed before putting down his book. "Want to go to the park?" Eren thought for awhile before nodding. "Okay!" Levi smiled. "Alright then go change." Eren ran up to their room feeling extremely excited. He can be such a kid. Levi silently thought to himself.

- > Time travel brought to you by the author's weirdness - <

"Hey I'm gonna get us some ice-cream. What flavour do you want?"

"Anything is fine. I'll just share with you." Levi said while reading his book. Eren protested at first, but Levi gave him a good reason why and Eren had to give in to his bookworm of a boyfriend.

Eren nodded and went to go get the ice-cream. He was peacefully reading and enjoying the breeze, just kidding, it was not a breeze, the wind was blowing strongly and it annoyed the fuck out of Levi because his pages kept flying everywhere.

Suddenly Levi felt a small tug on his shirt. He looked away from his book and saw a small girl, with eyes that looked like she was about to cry. Shit, a kid. Okay calm down Levi. Just ask the girl what's wrong, try to solve her problem without scolding her. Levi began slightly panicking. He wasn't really the type to like children.

"Um. Hi kid. Uh what's wrong? Are you okay?" The small girl shook her head before climbing on the bench and sat next to Levi. "I-I can't find my mommy. And I'm scared. But you looked so nice a-and I'm sorry for disturbing you but could you h-help me?" Levi bit his lip and looked at the trembling girl.

He stood up and stretched out his hand. "Come. Let's go look for your mommy." The girl's face immediately brightened up and grabbed Levi's hand. Levi pushed all the thoughts about his hatred for kids and his cleanliness rules behind his head. Now is not the time.

They both began walking around, trying to look for her mom when suddenly the girl squealed and began jumping up and down. "Look! There she is!" Before Levi could turn and say something, the girl pulled him and ran towards her mom. Levi was caught off guard and nearly tripped. He spotted a worried looking woman and approached her.

"Excuse me? Yes hello um is this your daughter? She suddenly came to me and said she lost her mom and asked for my help." The woman quickly hugged her child and had a look of relief. She eyed Levi for a minute, wondering why this strange man helped her girl. She was just about to say something before her daughter interrupted her.

"Mommy! This nice man helped me find you!" She turned to Levi and hugged him. "Thank you! Thank you!" Levi's expression soften and bent down to hug the girl back. "Next time don't leave your mom's side, okay?" Levi said while ruffling her hair. The girl shouted a yes before running back to her mom.

"Thank you sir. I appreciate it." The woman smiled fondly at Levi. "No problem. I have to go now, sorry, goodbye!" Levi waved at the both of them before running of to the bench where he was previously sitting on.

When he got there, he saw Eren sitting on the bench, with a half-eaten icecream cone and with a loving expression. "I saw everything just now. I didn't know you'd do that to be perfectly honest. When I saw the kid talking to you, I wanted to run there before you scolded her or something but when I saw you holding her hand I stopped and watched. You always make me fall for you more you know that?"

Levi was dumbfounded. He saw everything? Levi laughed a little before shrugging his shoulders. "You already ate the ic-" Before he could finish his sentence, he was enveloped in a hug. He felt arms circly him tightly, and he hugged back.

"So, I help some kid one time and suddenly you become like this?" Levi patted Eren's back. Eren pulled away just a little bit, he was still hugging Levi's waist. "You just look so perfect there. Like an angel. I don't know how to explain it okay. It just really made my heart all warm and fuzzy." Eren said before kissing Levi's cheek.

Levi grinned before leaning forward and pushed both their foreheads together. "Are you still bored? Let's go home." "Yes let's. Because seriously, all I want to do now is cuddle with you and replay that scene in my mind over and over again." Levi scoffed before reaching for his book.

They both walked home hand-in-hand and Levi had to listen to Eren's never-ending rants and rumbling about what happened just now. Levi becomes nice to one kid and suddenly Eren's all obssessed over him. He honestly couldn't understand him boyfriend sometimes.


levi being nice to a small kid ;u;
hi guys! um so, i still dont know how long this story will be and what the ending would be. im still thinking for ideas. i'll probably update about it to you guys in the next chap :) happy sunday <3

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