Chapter 13

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Eren opened his eyes. The light from the sun was blinding and he brought his arm to his face to shield his eyes. The curtains were certainly not doing their job. He tried to sit up and check the clock but the moment he lifted his back off the bed, a dull but extremely painful pain shot up from his tailbone. He immediately fell back and muttered a loud 'fuck'.

He felt something move about beside and saw Levi turning towards him, eyes half open. "Baby? You okay?" Levi questioned. "It hurts. My tailbone. My back. I don't think I can even stand or walk." Eren said while rubbing his back with his fist hoping to relieve some of the pain. Levi sighed. "We went for like 5 rounds what do you expect. Lie down. I'll get something to help with the pain."

Eren saw Levi throwing on some sweatpants before going out shirtless. His mind when on a trip to memory lane and he remembered all the things they did. He smiled a bit at how things could get so rough, so dirty, in such a short time. Suddenly he remembered what happened before that. What Levi said, what Levi promised. He immediately forgave Levi. He mentally scolded himself for doubting his boyfriend.

Levi came in with two white pills and a glass of water. He passed it to Eren who said a thank you and gulped the pills down. "What time is it?" Eren asked as he placed the glass down. "Uh about 9 am? Its a Saturday so we have the whole day." Eren nodded before lying down in a sleeping position and waited for the pills to work its magic.

Levi slipped back into bed. Eren's back was facing him which gave him the perfect opportunity to cuddle him with an arm around Eren's waist. Which was exactly what he did. Eren giggled and snuggled further into the heat of Levi's body. It was warm and comforting. Then Levi began softly kissing the whole of Eren's neck and side of his face.

Levi also began to whisper sweet nothings directly into Eren's ear, making sure he can hear. Eren felt all fuzzy inside and he liked it. He heard mutters of 'i love you', 'you are mine', 'baby stop being so perfect' and other stuff that made Eren blush. "Oh my god Levi stop embarrassing me." Eren doved further into the sheets, cheeks red. Levi just chuckled.

"Then I'll do something even more embarrassing." Levi lifted the sheets and immediately kissed Eren full on the lips. Eren could feel love radiating from Levi. Eren responded to the kiss and brought his hand up to softly stroke Levi hair. The kiss lasted for about a few minutes. They both pulled away, smiling at each other.

"I love you." Eren could clearly see love glinting in Levi's eyes. "I love you too." Then they both snuggled back into the bed, cuddling like small kittens. Eren felt Levi stroking and playing with his hair. "Hey Levi?" Levi made a humming sound signally that he was listening.

"How long have we been going out?" "Hmm. About 5 years? We dated when you were 14 and I was 18. You were so cute then. Just a little taller than me. Unlike now, you're so fucking tall I dont even know how." Eren laughed. "Yeah you were my senior and everybody feared yet loved you at the same. The ever-so-popular ice prince." Now it was Levi's turned to laugh. "Yeah that was me alright. I'm still the same except now I've got the junior who always was in fights as my kawaii boyfriend."

Eren smacked Levi lightly. "Hey it wasn't my fault. And where did kawaii come from?" Levi kissed Eren's temple. "You're kawaii alright. Like a cat. My kawaii Eren who likes to piss me off by acting all adorable and shit which will eventually end with me losing all my self control." Levi tightened the grip on Eren's wait and pulled him closer.

"But I still love him." Eren turned to face Levi. "And he loves you too." They both grinned like idiots and kissed again. 5 years huh. Eren was now 19 and Levi 24. Levi was already working and Eren was currently applying for several universities. He wanted to study medicine and make Levi proud.

They both stayed in that position for the rest of the morning. Bodies flushed together lovingly. Our 5th anniversary is coming up. In about a month or so. Levi thought silently to himself. They always spent all their anniversaries with a romantic dinner and ending with hot love-making. He wanted to change it a little this year.

He thought of many ideas but couldn't pick one yet. He looked down and saw Eren sleeping already. He kissed Eren's forehead before attempting to sleep also. He'll definitely make their 5th anniversary extremely special. He held on to Eren tighter.

I don't think I have ever love anyone this much in my life.


hey guys im back ;~; im both sorry for the extremely short chapter and late update but i promise one tomorrow!

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