Chapter 10

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Eren woke up when Levi kissed his forehead. He saw that Levi was rather dressed as if he was gonna go out. "Where are you going?" Eren asked while cutely rubbing his eyes. "I have to settle a few stuff and won't be back till evening. How bout we go out for a dinner date?" Eren's face lit up and he nodded happily. Levi held Eren's chin and lifted it up to kiss him. He said goodbye and left.

- time skip -

Eren glanced at the clock. 5:30 pm. He had around one hour to kill. Levi reminded Eren that he would be picking him up at 7. Eren was overjoyed since it has been quite a while since they have been on an actual date.

Eren just flipped through several channels on the tv, mindlessly searching for something good to watch. All there was, was just some random cooking channels, cartoons and a few drama movies. Eren sighed. He was bored.

He stood up and walked around his house, hopefully finding something to ease his boredom. He went in his room and saw a random bag sticking out under his bed. What's this? Eren picked it up and examined it. Must be Levi's.

Eren opened the bag and saw a few really old books and some printed photos. Eren looked at the photos first because he thought there would be some pictures of Levi as a child. Eren giggled at the thought.

He looked at the first one and his eyes widen. Who's this? In the picture there was Levi standing next to a girl. Well, not exactly standing, Levi had his arm wrapped around her waist. This hurt Eren a little.

Is this his ex-girlfriend? Why hasn't he ever told me about it? And why is he still keeping photos of her? A million questions ran through Eren's mind. He was confused and sad at the same time. Was Levi really not bothered to tell me anything about his past? I mean, its not that I have to know every single thing. But I atleast want to know something about his past. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't know the slightest thing about him?

Eren bit his lip. He flipped through all the other photos. All of them were the both of them. Eren admited that they actually look really good together. She was pretty and Levi was dashing. The pictures were really old you could tell by seeing how the picture was yellowing.

He suddenly felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He quickly took it out and answered it.


"Hey baby."

"Oh hi Levi what's up?"

"Hey listen look I'm really sorry but I don't think I can make it to the dinner tonight. I got held back by my co-worker and I have alot of work to do. I promise to make it up to you alright?"

Eren was dissapointed. But he didn't let it show. There was no reason to make his boyfriend worry.

"O-Okay sure no problem! Another time then."

Why am I stuttering?

"I'm really sorry. Sure you'll be okay?"

"Yeah I'm sure. Take care."

"Love you baby."

"Love you too."

Eren ended the call. He sighed. Now he was left all alone. He looked at the photos again. He shook his head and put them back in the bag. He really didn't want to deal with that right now.

Eren lied down in his bed and began to think. He was upset that he didn't know anything about Levi's past. Hell he didn't even know if Levi had any siblings. I am a good boyfriend? Levi does everything for me and knows me like the back of his hand. But me... I just sit there and take the giving and I know nothing.

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