Chapter 16

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"Eren no." Eren sighed in disbelief. "Please just one I promise." Eren was pestering Levi to take a selfie with him but Levi hated photos and posing. Eren really wanted to take one and post it all over social media with the caption 'me and my baby'. "No. You know I hate photos. Now leave me be I'm reading so shush." Levi turned back to his book.

Eren sighed again. He had his phone in his hand already. He began muttering words like 'stupid levi' to himself while sulking. Then he thought of a great idea. He would secretly take a picture of him and Levi without Levi noticing. That would be great! Although Levi would probably kill him once he found out but it was totally worth it.

Levi was currently engrossed in his book and had a very serious expression on his face. But the funny thing was that Levi was wearing a pink shirt that had stars all over it. He claimed that 'everything else was in the wash'. Perfect opportunity. Eren silently cackled to himself. He tried to sit as close to Levi as possible without making it too obvious.

Okay. I have to do this fast. Once I raise the phone, I immediately have to snap the photo. Oh and turn off the shutter noise. Eren took a deep breath and prepared himself. He brought the phone up and did a quick smile and made sure Levi clearly was in the picture. In a second, the picture was taken and Levi didn't notice anything.

Eren excused himself and ran to their room to check on the photo. It was perfect. Eren was at the side smiling while Levi was in his pink shirt with the most serious expression in the world. He muffled his laughs with the pillow. This is gold. Eren quickly posted it all over social media. He decided to change the caption to 'my emotionless boyfriend ft. a pink shirt with stars'.

He then locked his phone and went downstairs. He peered over the couch just incase Levi found out already. Levi was still reading. Oh thank god. He's still reading. Now all he had to do was wait for a few hours then go back to check on his notifications. Eren laughed internally. I'm a genius.

"What's so funny?" Levi asked without looking up from his book. Eren looked surprised. "How did you know?" Levi laughed softly. "You think I need to see and actually physically witness your emotions." Then it struck Eren. Levi could see right through Eren, like a mirror, Levi knew Eren better than anybody else. Eren's expression soften.

He leaned over to hug Levi and kissed his cheek. "Baby you know me so well. I love you." Levi brought his hand to Eren's head and patted it. "Love you too." Eren smiled again and kissed Levi one more time. He was feeling slightly guilty for taking that picture. But what was done was done. Eren hoped when Levi found out, he would be merciful.

"Hey babe our fifth anniversary is coming up. I'm gonna take you out for dinner. I've got something special planned. Don't make any plans alright? I'll stab you in the eye if you do." Eren widen his eyes at the last bit. "Of course I'll go. Babe please. What do you have planned?" Eren decided to now lie his head down on Levi's lap. Levi looked down from his book before putting it down at the side.

Levi began playing with Eren's soft hair. Eren giggled. "I can't tell you that. It'll be a surprise." Levi smiled before bending down to kiss Eren. Eren just pouted. "Fine don't tell me. Our anniversary is in two weeks I guess I can wait. I'm patient unlike you." Eren laughed. Levi glared at Eren before playing with Eren's hair again.

"Is the place gonna be the same one we go every year?" Eren took one of Levi's hands and played with it and started softly placing kisses on it. "Nope it's gonna be at a different place. Special remember?" Eren hummed. Levi laid his head back and closed his eyes. He paid attention to how his fingers were intertwining with Eren's soft hair and his other hand being kissed softly by Eren.

They both stayed in this position for a few minutes, saying nothing, but savouring each other's love and affection. Then Levi brought his head up again and took his book back. "Okay I'm reading again go away." Eren let out a 'hey' of annoyance. But he got up anyway. He didn't really want Levi to knock his head or something.

Eren lied down on Levi's shoulder and thought about things. I wonder where he's gonna take me and what he's gonna do. Eren just shrugged the thought. He'll find out sooner or later anyway. Five years huh? They say you only to get to really know a person in about 4 years. Eren guessed that was kinda true. Levi knew him better than anyone else and so was the same for Eren with Levi.

Eren closed his eyes and took a little nap on Levi's shoulder. He opened his eyes when he felt Levi shifting around. He sat upright again. "Hey I'm gonna take a shower alright." Eren just nodded and lied down on the couch. He was feeling super lazy today and all he wanted to do was just nap around the house.

"You're exactly like a cat you know." Eren heard Levi shouting it while walking up the stairs. Eren chuckled. He knew alright. The only reason why he did it was because he knew that was Levi's secret weakness. Eren acting as a cat made Levi lose all self control.

Eren suddenly remembered about the picture. He took his phone out from his pocket and saw alot of notifications already. He unlocked his phone and looked at it. Majority were from Hanji obviously. It was full of 'OH MY GOD LEVI" "HE'S WEARING A PINK SHIRT" "HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO TAKE THIS PHOTO" "I'M DEFINITELY SAVING THIS". Eren just laughed. It was actually pretty awesome to have a friend like Hanji.

Eren was happily looking at all the comments before he heard Levi shout his name. "EREN! WHAT IS THIS PHOTO ABOUT? I'M GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS YOU JUST WAIT."

Oh shit.

hahahah 😂😂 omg guys i found this BL yaoi audio on youtube featuring ereri and it was gold <333 i'm not sure whether its real or not but meh whatever i still loved it [inserts a million heart emoticons] and by the way one more thing, can you guys tell me what chapter you cant see? wattpad is deleting some of my chapters but i dont know which are gone. do tell me and i'll try to fix it thank you!

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