Chapter 30~Ron

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Chapter 30---Ron

*Sofie's P.O.V.*

Seeing Dan made me freeze. I couldn't pull my eyes away from his, but my feet were still walking.

"Sofie?" Shawn said, gaining my attention.

"Race you to the car!" I squealed, snapping back to reality, sprinting out the doors, and trying to not spill my ice cream.

I got to the middle of the street in front of all the parked cars when I heard Shawn scream.

"Sofie!" He yelled.

I turned around to see what he was screaming about, but before my eyes landed on him, I saw a pair of headlights inches away.


Groaning because of the pain, I opened my eyes slowly. Shawn, Nash, Cameron, and Lucie were staring back at me.

"What happened?" I asked groggily.

"You were hit by a car." Lucie stated, coming to sit by me on the bed.

I'm glad she was here because now, she can explain it to me instead of Shawn. It's gotta be hard for my boyfriend to tell me, his broken Sofie.

"Wait. Can you tell me what happened from beginning to end?" I said, confused.

"Well, none of us were with you through it all except for Shawn." She said, turning around to ask Shawn, "Do you want to tell her?"

Shawn nodded, stood up, and walked over to my bedside. He pulled the doctor's stool over, so he could sit on it. Before beginning, he grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"So you probably remember getting ice cream before we left, and on our way out the door, you fell like into a trance of some kind. You looked like you saw a ghost, but then you suggested that we race to the car, and you immediately started sprinting. I ran after you, but before I got the street, I screamed your name at the sight of-" Shawn stopped, trying to swallow the big lump in his throat.

"Take your time." I suggested, rubbing his palm with my thumb.

"At the sight of the car." Shawn finished. "You turned around to look at me, but before you could completely turn around, the car hit you, causing you to fly up onto the windshield. The car never stopped driving, so the person must have intended to hit you. You fell off the windshield, hitting your head on the ground. I swear the car was going like 30 miles per hour. I never stopped running after you, so when you fell back on the ground, I took a picture of the license plate."

"What are my injuries?" I whispered, helplessly wiping at my waterfall of tears.

"The only blood you had was from when you fell back on the pavement, hense your stitches above your eyebrow. I think the doctor said you got like 27. Besides that, your right leg is broken, and your left arm is sprained." He explained.

"Couldn't I have died?" I sobbed.

"It was likely that you would. The doctors said that not many people survive something like this." He replied.

"Have they found out who it was?" I quivered, wiping at my tears.

"No, but they do have the license number already." Shawn said.

"How long ago was this?" I asked.

"Three hours." Nash said. "Do you have any idea who would purposefully try and hurt you? We don't live here, so the person could've been stalking you."

My min travelled back to the mall. I remember seeing Dan smirking at me, so could it be...?

"Sofie?" Shawn said, looking at me concerned.

"I-I think I know who i-it was." I stuttered, realizing that I was crying again.


*Shawn's P.O.V.*

"Who?" I croaked, trying to block the tears from running down my cheeks.

"Ron." Sofie cried harder.

"Why do you think that?" I asked quietly.

"The reason I looked like I was in a trance was because I couldn't get my eyes away from someone who was staring at me with a smirk. Shawn, that person was Dan." She whispered the last part.

I stood up, unable to take this anymore, and started towards the door.

"I'll be right back. Just give me a sec." I informed, shutting the door behind me, and sliding down the wall.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, and anger was bubbling inside of me. I could hear Lucie and Sofie talking inside the room. Sofie was asking about the time, and Lucie was telling her about the small coma she went into. She said that visiting hours would be over soon. I looked up at the clock, and it read 8:46. We have to leave in less than 15 minutes. Deciding to be strong for Sofie, I stood up, wiped my tears away, and entered the room. You could tell I had been crying, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that Sofie was gonna be okay.

"Hey guys, could you give Shawn and I a couple minutes alone?" Sofie asked.

"Sure." Nash replied, standing up, and leaving the room.

Cameron and Lucie followed, shutting the door behind them.

"C'mere." Sofie smiled, gesturing for me to come over to her.

"Are you still in lots of pain?" I asked, sitting down on the bed by her.

"Yeah, but that's not what I wanted to talk about." She began. "I want to apologize for this happening. I mean, how ironic is it that your birthday is in four days?"

"Babe, don't apologize." I begged. "This isn't your fault. Nothing we could've done different would've changed what happened."

"I just feel so guilty." She mumbled.

"Sofie, I'm so glad you're okay." I smiled, leaning in, and closing the gap between us.

I cupped her face in my hands, and she just held my neck limply. Our kiss was full of lust and pain. We kissed for a couple more seconds before I pulled away.

"I've been dying to do that." I blushed.

"I'm glad you did." She giggled.

"I better let the others come in and say goodnight. Visiting hours are over in five minutes." I said, opening the door.

Nash was the first one at Sofie's bedside. He bent over and gave her a hug. "I hope you feel better, Sof." He smiled.

"Thanks bud." Sofie said, smiling back at him.

Lucie walked over to Sofie, and gave her a hug. "See you tomorrow hon." She cooed.

"Love ya, Lucinda." Sofie winked as Lucie giggled and stood up, so Cameron could say goodbye.

"Feel better kiddo." Cam chuckled, bending down to hug her.

Before Sofie could respond, a nurse came in to tell us we had to leave.

"Tell Darci about this for me Nash?" Sofie pleaded.

Nash nodded, sending a wave in her direction. I blew a kiss to her before shutting the door behind me.

"Guys, can I ride home with you? I rode here with Sofie in the ambulance." I said.

"No problem, Shawn." Cameron said.

"Would you mind telling Darci with me? I'm a little nervous to do it solo." Nash whispered.

"Sure bro." I said, stepping off the elevator and onto the main level.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I decided this extra chapter could be a treat since I took so long to update last time and since that chapter was soooo short. Anyways vote and comment:) suggest this to your friends too! Thanks for reading!

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