09 | A Woman Called 'Anne'

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TVD - S5 E16 - First Act

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After nearly three weeks of staying with the Salvatore's, Anne sorted out a routine with Damon that limited his cravings and tuned down his Ripper urges. However, the amount of work she was actually able to catch up on was not the most amazing. She had to call her boss and compel him using her voice, allowing her the extra three weeks to keep helping Damon. Klaus tried texting her for updates, which she didn't reply to—apart from the odd 'yes' and 'no.' 

It was around eight in the morning, and she had woken up to no dreams, but a lingering throbbing in the back of her head gave her an unsettling feeling. Her gut said it was something bad, but her mind said that there was logically nothing too serious happening; at least, not right now.

After showering and changing into some clean clothes that she and Caroline went shopping for the other day, she ventured downstairs and into the lounge, where she saw a tense Stefan holding a bottle of blood and heading for the door.

"Off to see Elena?"

"Yeah," He paused at the door, "Hopefully she wakes up fully this time."

Anne hummed in agreeance, "let me know if she does, and I'll start working with her too."

He nodded, thanked her, then left. Anne went into the kitchen to make two sandwiches for herself and Damon. Once finished, she headed down to Damon's cell with the food in hand, where she met Matt and Jeremy chatting about the events of the night before. "Hey, boys. I'm just poppin' down to give Damon his lunch."

Tyler rolled his eyes while Matt stood up from his chair and unlocked the cell, "Yeah, sure, go right ahead."

Anne bowed dramatically and walked into the room. Matt shut the door, and Anne sat down in front of Damon and gave him the plate, he looked up from his sandwich and stared at the other one, then met Anne's gaze.

"Really? You made yourself a beastly sandwich, and I get a stack of meat? What am I, a dog?"


Damon blew a raspberry, but began to eat anyways. "Why are you still here, I thought you would've gone home by now?"

Anne crossed her legs on the ground like a child, and held her sandwich in her hands. "Favour for Klaus, gotta see it through. Otherwise, I have the sneaky suspicion that he'll never let me go."

Damon picked up on the tone of disappointment in Anne's voice, though she hid it well. She continued, "And I enjoy your company. We are kindred souls, my friend."

After they ate, Anne proceeded with her routine conditioning of pain and feeding association for Damon, finding some success in his ability to restrain himself unconsciously. Hours passed, and she decided they needed a break, thankfully, she got a call from her coworker, giving her the perfectly timed reason to duck out for a bit. 

"Yello," Anne said, sitting down on the small stairs descending into the lounge pit.

"Hey," Her coworker Hannah said. "In your email, you said you were going away on a work trip, and I didn't know when you'd be back, but there are a few files on your desk that have been piling up since you've been away."

Anne grunted and smacked her forehead, "Oh, shit. I forgot to get Mike to digitise this week's requests and send them to me. Do you think you could get them to him and tell him I need them done by tonight?"

"Oh, well, I mean they seem like small enough files, I can do them if you want?"

"Are you sure? You don't have to Hannah."

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