in love

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Jimin's POV:
"uhm, seokie, is there someone you want to introduce to us" realization hit Hoseok, he brung me to his parents "uh eomma, appa...this is my boyfriend, Jimin" they frowned, at this point i was shaking.

Hoseok noticed and squeezed my hand telling me that its okay "Seokie, can we talk to you for a second"

Hoseok noticed how i was shaking terribly, "Eomma, appa can i talk to Jimin for a second i'll be right back" he pulled me to the corner of the restaurant as tears came down my face.

"Jimin its gonna be okay, i promise, just trust me" he hugged me, i cried even harder "I don't want to loose you" i cried and cried "you're not going to loose me, i won't let that happen, so please stop crying"

i nod as we went back, he gave me a reassuring smile before going to his parents.

Hobi's Parents POV: (HAHA bet you didn't expect this)
"Seokie ah, at first we thought that you were not responsible or mature enough to get a boyfriend, but seeing you care for Jimin, really changed the way we think about you boys"

Hoseok's POV:
My face shocked, the thought of my parents accepting Jimin is just shocking yet exciting, i looked back at Jimin.

He was playing with his fingers, a thing he does when he's nervous, i turned back to my parents "well what are you waiting for, go for it"

i attacked them with a hug "thank you eomma, thank you appa" they smiled "hurry go" i nod as i ran back to Jimin and hugged him "they said yes"

His face lighten up and his breathing has calmed down then he ran to my parents "thank you Mr and Mrs Jung for accepting me and Hoseok's relationship" they smiled as a your welcome then he ran back to me.

There was a moment of silence in the room "well let's order" i broke the silence "yes! i am starving" Jungkook yelled, all the boys looked at him, laughing "what? y'all don't get hungry?"

They all laughed one last time before they went back to picking out what to order.

Jimin's POV:
"Hobi, im going to the toilet, i'll be right back" he nods. As i walked to the bathroom, my phone vibrated in my pocket, it was a text message

hi Jimin

um who are u

Someone you do not want to mess with

look, i don't know who u r or why am i even talking to you but u r really freaking me out

Turn around
i was confused but turned around anyways, "Jiminie did you miss me" i looked at her in horror "i told you to stay away from Hoseok, but looks like a warning isn't enough" i felt more confident than last time so i fought back

"what do you want, clearly i am not leaving Hoseok because he's my boyfriend and we're happy together, why must you break us up if you know we are already happy, don't you want what's best for Hoseok, you're a selfish girl. Hoseok will never want you, you only want what's best for you"

she only smirked at my long speech "fighting back won't help you Jimin, don't even try" she laughed before punching me in the stomach.

i fell to the floor and groaned in pain, i tried to get up before she threw another punch but this time, on my face, my nose and lips were now bleeding, i tried to get up once again, before she threw another punch at me.

That's all it take, that's all my body can take, i was on the ground, unable to move. I was crying and tears came down my face uncontrollably, hoping Hoseok will save me "aw look who's laying on the ground helpless" she pouted "nobody's gonna help you and you're friends are not here"

she smirked before giving me one last punch that might probably kill me, but somebody stopped her..... "DON'T TOUCH HIM"

Wrong number;jihopeWhere stories live. Discover now