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Jimin's POV:
i ran upstairs and locked myself in the room, i thought he loved me. Well now i know he doesn't at all.

My heart is shattering into pieces and tears were threatening to fall.

Nobody's POV:
Love is pain and sometimes you just gotta except it but Jimin didn't take it so well, he stayed in his room all day, crying his eyes out.

While Hoseok was non-stop trying to get Jimin to open the door, but however much he tried, Jimin wouldn't open the door.

Hoseok's POV:
"BABE, OPEN THE DOOR, LET ME EXPLAIN" Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi tried stopping me but however hard they tried they still couldn't stop me.

i got to the point where my hands and nose were bleeding, Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi were constantly telling me to stop but i won't let it stop me from getting My Jimin

Hoseok's POV:
The situation caused Taehyung and Jungkook to come upstairs.

They saw me and ran over to me, "Hyung, what happened" Jungkook asked me

"i tripped and fell on Yoongi and accidentally kissed him and now Jimin think i don't love him anymore"

They looked at me with a shocked and pitiful look, "i'll get Jimin to open up that door right now okay Hoseok so don't cry" Jin said "JIMIN AH, HOSEOK REALLY DIDN'T MEAN TO KISS YOONGI, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT"

Jimin's POV:
"JIMIN AH, HOSEOK REALLY DIDN'T MEAN TO KISS YOONGI IT WAS AN ACCIDENT" i head shot up with my eyes wide open.

Oh my god...Hoseok just wanted to explain but i just shut him off, i'm truly sorry Hoseok.

I slowly got up and opened the door and saw all the boys comforting Hoseok and my heart broke seeing Hoseok so broken, all he has ever done to me is just care for me and love me, but i just got angry and shut him off when he tried to explain, what have i done, i feel horrible.

Jimin rushed to me and the boys stayed at the side "HOSEOK IM SORRY I DIDN'T LISTEN TO YOU PLEASE DON'T EVER HURT YOURSELF JUST BECAUSE OF ME OKAY?" he took my hand in his.

"J-Jimin promise to never leave me, i almost lost you" he said "i'm not going anywhere don't worry" he lightly smiled at me "let's fix you up" the boys were just standing there and 'awe' ing us.

i took him to the kitchen and washed his wounds and put bandages on the wounds

"I'm sorry Hobi, i love you"

"I love you too, im sorry"

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