Chapter 2

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She set her coffee on table and walked over and opened it to see Joey. She was surprised to see him.
"Joey," She smiled, then kissed him.
Joey moved his head back.
"Is something wrong?" she saw the flowers, he was holding in his right hand.
"Joey, those are beautiful."
He walked in, shutting the door. He saw a trash can and threw them in there.
"Joey, what is wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?"
"I saw a man walk in and heard him flirt with you."
"What? Joey, I can explain."
"No, you can't, I saw what you did, and I won't stand for it."
He grabbed her by the shoulders.
"Joey, you're hurting me."
He then put his hands on her neck and strangled her. She grabbed his hands, struggling to get out. She struggled to speak, "J- J-" Her arms colapsed. Joey slowly put her on the floor and checked her pulse, she had none. He was shocked.
He picked her up, brought her to the window, set her down. He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket, opened the window with it and threw her out.
As soon as she fell to the ground a few people screamed, seeing the body, lying on the ground.
He turned around to see a typewriter on a coffee table, in front of the couch.
After he was done, he ran to the door, opened it with the handkerchief, ran out and closed it with the handkerchief, which he tried to put in his pocket, but it fell onto the floor.

It was near 8:30 P.M., Steven came by to see police cars surrounding the building. He saw police officers standing looking at a body.
He ran up to a police officer and asked, "What's going on?"
"A woman fell out a window, committing suicide."
He looked at the body, shocked, he yelled, "Mary!"
He ran up to the body, but a police officer stopped him.
"I'm sorry, sir, but you must stay back."
He sighed.
Columbo was there and he saw the way he reacted, so, he walked up to him, "Uh, sir?"
"I heard you yell a name, would Mary, by chance, be her name?"
"Yes, Mary Parker, I only just met her yesterday. Uh, you are?"
"Uh, lieutenant Columbo, sir, uh," he started to search his coat for his notebook, he finally found it, and then started to search for a pen.
"Uh, I seemed to have misplaced my pen, do you have a pen, I could borrow, sir?"
"No, sorry."
Columbo turned to the officer that talked to Steven, "Excuse me, sir, do have a pen on you, by chance?"
"Uh, yes."
The officer handed him the pen.
"Uh, thank you, I promise, I'll give it back, to you, thank you."
Columbo turned to Steven, "So," he said writing in his notebook, "Mary Parker."
"And you are?"
"Steven Kearney."
He wrote some more in his notebook, "Uh, how do you spell your last name?"
"Thank you, sir, so, you met Mary just yesterday, is that right?"
"Yes, I did."
"Did she seem distressed in any way, when you met her, sir?"
"No, she seemed a bit awkward, when we met."
"Uh-huh, I see," He wrote it down,
"Do you know how many stories her apartment was?"
"Nine stories, she and I were neighbors."
"I see." He wrote more down. "Well, that puzzles me."
"Well, sir, she fell out of a window, to commit suicide, now, why would a woman, who is fine, do that?"
"I don't know, sir. Maybe she was hiding something, that was hurting her."
"Hmm, yeah, maybe, but I still don't understand it, she was fine. I hate to see someone, so young, commit suicide. How old does she look to you, sir?"
"I don't know, maybe she's in her early 20s."
"Hmm, maybe, sir, maybe."
"She's beautiful, isn't she?"
The doctors brought a cot, picked her up and put her on it, bringing her to an ambulance.
"Yes, yes, she's very pretty sir, very pretty, but not as good looking as my wife. Now that's someone to talk about."
"You're married?"
"Oh, yes, she and I have been married for 3 years, now, she looked beautiful, in that beautiful white wedding dress. What a gal, I love her and I'd hate to see anything happen to her."
"She sounds like a nice woman."
"She is, she's wonderful. Well, thanks for the talk," he started to walk to his light blue 1959 Peugeot convertible, "I'm sure this information will be very useful. I'm sure we'll figure out what happened." He opened the door, got in and said, "Well, it was nice talking to you, sir."
"Uh, lieutenant?" said a policeman
"My pen, please."
"Oh, yes," he got out of his car and started walking to him, "I said I wouldn't forget and yet, here I am."
He gave him the pen back and got right back into his car.
"Well, good bye, Mr. Kearney."
"Good bye, lieutenant."
Columbo drove off.

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