How you meet

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"Are you sure, Dude?" America looked down at the little piece of paper in his hands, confused at why he had gotten it. The man in front of him had given him the story of how it was originally his daughters ticket to go to this rock concert but something came up, making it so she couldn't go.

Not wanting the ticket to go to waste he decided to give it to the personification of America, claiming that he needed to witness more of his country. With a shrug America shoved it into the pocket of his bomber jacket, grinning at the man in front of him. "Thanks Dude!" With a small wave he started to head home, ready to research this band.


With a burger in one hand and his phone in his other the blond male started his way to the venue where they were holding the concert. From what he had found out this concert was supposed to be huge. The band, In This Moment, was having a special guest that everyone was freaking out over.

With a shrug the American shoved the rest of his burger in his mouth, pocketing his phone. When the blond got to the venue he was glade he had eaten the rest of his burger, for if he hadn't he would have choked.

There were so many people! They all were lined up, pushing and shoving, trying to get in so they could get good spots. With a jolt America shoved a hand into his pocket, pulling the ticket out, seeing that he had front row seats. With a light snort he he also noticed he had VIP, making it so he could jump the entire line.

With a light smile he did so, walking past everyone in line, getting cussed out as he did so. "Ticket please." The bouncer held his hand out, inspecting the ticket America had just gotten that morning. Handing it back he instructed the blond on what he could do with his VIP placement and sent him on his way, the blonds head swirling with everything he had been told.

With his VIP he could get as many drinks he wanted, he got to go back stage to meet the band as well as the special guest, and he got front row seats. Damn, today was a good day!


"Alright, is everyone ready!" The woman on stage was beautiful, in her own way. Her name was Maria Brink, singer of In This Moment. Her hair was blonde and her eyes green (sorry if her eyes aren't green, they look green to me), she had on heavy black makeup as well as a tattered, black wedding dress that looked like something you would find in a lingerie store.

The crowd erupted in cheers, Maria laughing with them. "Everyone give a warm welcome to our special guest for the night, (M/N) (L/N)!" The room erupted into even louder cheers as a young male stepped onto the stage. He was tall, or taller than America, with (S/T) skin, (H/C) hair, and what looked to be (E/C) eyes.

He was wearing a white button up shirt that had no sleeves, which was tucked into a pair of black ripped up jeans that had a few plaid patched here and there. He had on black combat boots as well as purple suspenders and a pair a black glasses. (Sorry if you don't have glasses)

With a light grin he tapped the mic, a ringing resonating from it. "Well that's good!" With a larger grin he took the mic into hand, holding it up. "The last show I went to the mic's didn't work, but never mind that!" He turned to look at Maria, holding his hand out to her. "May we get started?"

With that the sound of a piano entered the stadium, Maria taking up her mic.

(In this your just taking over Rob Halford's part)

Maria's voice was soft, but rough when needed, but (M/N)'s was perfect, seeming to blend right in. He held onto Maria, twirling her around as they sang, dipping her when they sang "It's a nice night for a black wedding."

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