Road Trip To Sanctuary

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The group told Lilac everything. They told her about the Dimension Machine's source, which is known as the Galaxy Stone, has been stolen by the Glitch King and his men. The dragon girl learned from the group that the Dimension Machine's purpose was to keep every world in the multiverse separate. Without the Galaxy Stone, the machine has no power and the multiverse will collapse and every world will merge into one. The group also told her about the Glitch King's plans to use the Galaxy Stone to become a powerful being that controls time and space.

Lilac, of course, was shocked to hear of this. As soon as the group finished their explanation, she quickly stood up and offered to help them save the multiverse. Cuphead quickly accepted her offer and the rest of the group followed. Soon, the group, including the newly recruited Lilac, left the noodle shop to continue their quest. Dipper still wondered what was in that block of ice that was given to them by those men, but he decided that it will not be important until further notice. As the group walked, the snow crunched beneath their feet. The cold wind mixed with tiny pieces of snow flowed past their faces. Only a few of them shivered a little.

Suddenly, the group heard a loud thud from above, causing everyone to flinch. They all looked up to see a black silhouette of a dragon on top of one of the city's tall buildings. Everyone stood still at the sight of the shadow as Rabbid Peach pulled out her phone to take a picture of it. Everything fell silent around the group until Jesse yelped when a snowball hit his face. He turned to the others.

"Who did that?" Jesse glared at the group, only getting shrugs and shaking heads from the others.

Then, he was hit in the back with another snowball. Turning around, his glare disappeared when he found two young men dressed in ninja attire. One was dressed in blue while the other was red. Both of them were hiding in an alleyway. All Jesse could do was look at them with a raised eyebrow as he blinked at them. Above them, the dragon-shaped silhouette roared and the two ninjas in the alleyway heard it. Meanwhile, the rest of the group noticed what Jesse was looking at.

"Over here!" The red ninja whispered, gesturing at the group to come. "Hurry!"

The group looked back at the dragon-shaped shadow. Then, they walked into the alleyway before the shadow roared again and flew off the building. Dipper, Cuphead and Ruby were the ones to watch it happen. But as soon as the three noticed the rest of the group walking farther away from them, they ran to rejoin them.

"Good thing that monster didn't see any of you guys." The blue ninja sighed in relief. "That would have been bad."

"Are you guys..." Rainbow paused and placed a hoof on her chin. "What's the word?"

"Ninjas?" Dipper finished for her.

"Yeah, but we prefer to be called ninja." The red ninja spoke. "Everyone in Ninjago calls us that, after all."

"This place is your home?" Sonic raised an eyebrow.

"Of course." The blue ninja looked at the hedgehog. "Not like a blue mouse like yourself would care."

"Hedgehog." He corrected.


"Please excuse my friend." The red ninja said. "He's been like this ever since all of this began. Anyway, I should introduce myself. Name's Kai," He gestured at the blue ninja. "And this is Jay."

"I'm Jesse," He gestured at the rest of the group. "And this is Rainbow Dash, Mario, Cuphead, Rabbid Peach, Dipper, Sonic, Ruby and Lilac."

"Nice to meet you all." The red ninja known as Kai nodded.

"Uh," Ruby said. "Where are we going?"

"There are a few friends of ours waiting for us." The blue ninja known as Jay replied. "They sent us to find any survivors freezing in the cold and we bring them to a nice warm cave we have taken as shelter."

"How far is it from-a this city?" Mario asked.

"Not that far. Just give it some time."

Soon, the group was away from the city and they followed Kai and Jay to a large, wheeled truck that held many other survivors. Over at the truck, they were greeted by two other ninjas: Kai's younger sister, Nya, and his and Jay's friend, Cole. After the group hopped into the back of the truck, the four ninjas, or "ninja" as they prefer, began to drive. During the road trip, everything was filled with silence. Mario, Cuphead and Ruby were taking a nap and Dipper continued to stare at the block of ice that was held in the wagon.

"I am so tempted to break that block of ice right now." Dipper said before looked at the two people next to him. "Do any of you have a blunt object I can borrow?"

None of them responded. The young boy sighed and looked back at the block of ice. Meanwhile, Rainbow heard sounds of beeping and she turned her head to see one passenger in the corner of the truck. That passenger was a girl about fifteen or sixteen with long orange hair. She was wearing a black bodysuit with green stripes and a pair of black boots with the soles being neon green. The fingers of her gloves were green as well and over her eyes was a pair of big, black goggles with orange lenses. She was facing a green hologram.

Curious, Rainbow stood up and approached the girl. As soon as she did so, the mare looked at the hologram. From was she could tell, the girl was having a conversation with someone. A friend, possibly. Suddenly, the girl turned her head to the left, only to be startled by Rainbow's presence.

"Oh my gosh." The girl gasped. "I've been approached by a pony!"

Meanwhile, the rest of the group turned to find Rainbow and the girl. Mario, Cuphead and Ruby were awoken from their naps and Dipper stopped looking at the block of ice. Jesse, Lilac, Sonic and Rabbid Peach looked at them as well while the other passengers ignored them.

"You are the most prettiest pony I've even seen!" She exclaimed. "Can I take you home after whatever is happening subsides?"

"I'm sorry?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

The girl gasped again. "Oh my gosh! You can talk! This made my day even better!"

"Will you shut up!" One of the passengers shouted.

"Why don't you say that to yourself?!" She shouted back.

Uh," Rainbow shuffled her hooves. "I would love to come with you to wherever you came from, but I have a home that I am trying to save from fusing into other worlds."

"What?" Though it couldn't be seen, her eyes widen.

Meanwhile, Jesse stood up and walked up to Rainbow and the girl. "Hello, I'm a friend of this pony here. Perhaps we should tell you what is going on after those ninjas who found us bring us to sanctuary."

"Okay." She nodded, putting her hologram away.

"I'm Jesse."

"Rainbow Dash." The colorful mare grinned at the girl.

"Well Jesse and Rainbow Dash," The goggle-faced girl grinned. "You can call me Oracle."

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