Change Of Plans

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Jesse, Cerulena, Sonic, Dipper, Kai, and Lilac have been sneaking through the empty palace halls as they hid underneath the invisibility cloak. As they did, the brunette had his eyes on the hologram of the palace's interiors. From what he noticed, the laboratory was on the top floor. Due to this, he deduced that the Dimension Machine was up there where it should be. But then, he and his group had to stop when they heard a pair of voices approach their spot. When they stood frozen in their place, they spotted a pair of armed soldiers march from the right and walk past them. Fortunately, none of those soldiers noticed them due to the invisibility cloak.

As soon as the soldiers were gone, Sonic whispered, "This is boring! Why can't we just run through the hallways and travel to the Dimension Machine already?"

"We're going to catch someone's attention if we do that! We can't risk getting caught!" Dipper retorted.

"He's right, Sonic. Making noise is too dangerous." Kai agreed.

"Oh, come on! We don't have a lot of time left! We have to do something!" The hedgehog quietly yelled.

"Guys, that's enough!" Jesse said, catching the boys' attention. "I know we don't have a lot of time in our hands, but we need to focus! Bickering's not going to get us anywhere! Besides, the Dimension Machine is only on the third story. All we have to do is get up there."

"How are we going to get up there without getting caught, though?" Lilac asked. "We're gonna have to get rid of this invisibility cloak at some time."

Meanwhile, Cerulena gasped, for an idea came in mind. "This palace has elevators. They are wide enough to fit all of us."

"What?! Why didn't you tell us before?!" Sonic retorted, getting jabbed in the arm by Dipper.

Despite the reaction, the queen replied, "I forgot to mention it before we entered the palace."

"Do you know where to find them?" Kai asked.

"I do," Cerulena nodded before turning to Jesse. "Perhaps you should let me play the leader for now."

After the brunette nodded in agreement, the queen moved so she could be in the front of the group. Now, they were moving again, hoping to reach their destination in time. As they kept walking, Jesse began to wonder how the others were holding up.


Meanwhile, Ruby, Keith, Allura, Joker, and Axel were creeping their way down a catwalk that hovered above the soldiers and prisoners. The plan they came up with was simple: the rabbids will pursue the one responsible for holding the key. While they do that, the Huntress and Paladin will find the keyhole-shaped panel that will free all the locked-up prisoners. As soon as the rabbids finish their side of the plan, the three will find the others where the panel is. Once they slip the key into the panel, they can find the little cat's owner among the ones who are free from their oppressive confinement.

Once the five reached the other side of the room, they were all standing near another air that had its air duct removed. It gave Allura, Axel, and Joker the benefit of silently walking into in, not before vowing to continue with the plan as soon as they received the key. As soon as the trio of rabbids were out of their sight, Keith quietly placed the air vent back onto the duct and sighed.

"I sure hope no one noticed us." He whispered as he leaned on the wall.

"What I hope is that this plan goes well," Ruby replied before turned her silver gaze to the bottom of the room. "I mean, I want to free everyone here so they can go back to their worlds. I want to stop the multiverse from merging."

"Trust me. The feeling is mutual. Suffice to say, we both want this to end."

With her back leaning on the wall, the caped girl asked, "Besides going home and returning to our regular lives, what's going to happen to us after this?"

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