Snowdin Town

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"Morgana!" Jesse rubbed his forehead, which hit the steering wheel when the car stopped on its own. "What the heck was that all about?!"

"I heard something!" Morgana said. "Someone's following us, I just know it!"

"What are you talking about?" Kai asked, raising an eyebrow.

With that, the cat in his car form let out an annoyed groan before opening his rear doors and launching everyone out of the vehicle. Then, the two front doors opened and the seats holding Jesse and Frisk threw them out. Morgana jumped into the air, shifting from his car form back to his humanoid cat form. Meanwhile, everyone let out groans as they pushed themselves back to their feet. Rabbid Peach even adjusted her wig before finding her pink cell phone behind Sonic's head, assuming that he dropped it. With a relieved sigh, she crawled up to the device and snatched it from the snow, taking another selfie of herself.

"What was that for?!" Cuphead exclaimed.

"Just listen!" The black and white cat yelled, putting a paw next to his ear.

The group of twelve looked around the forest environment before hearing the crunch of snow behind themselves. They all turned around to find a shadow moving straight at them in a fast pace. In response, the group readied their weapons, Jesse, Morgana and Kai with their swords, Mario, Rabbid Peach and Cuphead with their Blast Cannons, Rainbow with his hoof bands, Ruby with her scythe and Sonic and Lilac with their wrist bands glowing. MARS began to spin faster beside Dipper. For Frisk, her eyes squinted at the small silhouette that blazed at the group like a comet.

The entire group, excluding Frisk, waited for the shadow to come at them. They assumed that another Monster or one of the Glitch King's androids were going to attack them with all of their might. But instead, it was something less menacing and adorable that came out of the darkness. The twelve gasped at the sight of a small dog with snow-white hair and a brown collar around its neck.

"GAH! Dog!" Morgana cried before running behind Ruby's legs.

"Come on, Morgana." Ruby put her scythe away before picking up the shuddering cat. "It's just little dog. Nothing bad."

Meanwhile, Frisk squinted at the white dog, who looked up at her and sat down before tilting its head. But then, her brown eyes widen and a smile was drawn across her face before she exclaimed, "Toby!"

The dog barked in response before running circles around the girl, earning a pat on the head as result. The others were left with perplexed looks on their faces, for they have realized that their guide of the Underground was familiar with the snow-white canine.

"You know that dog?" Dipper said.

"Yeah." Frisk replied before getting her face licked by the dog known as Toby. "He'd always mess around with Sans and Papyrus because they were skeletons."

"Uh, isn't that a bit, I dunno, stereotypical for a dog?" Sonic said with his pointing finger up. "You know, because they are known for putting their teeth on bones and two of your friends are skeletons, so..."

"Hey." The girl picked up Toby and carried him as if he were a baby. "Dogs will be dogs."

"Wait, why are you carrying him like that?" Rainbow wanted to know.

"What do you think?" Frisk replied. "I'm taking him with us."

"WHAT?!" Morgana's blue eyes widen. "You can't bring that mutt with us!"

"Well, we can't just leave him here." Lilac retorted. "He's lonely and it's freezing out here."

"Yeah, I agree." Ruby nodded.

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