The King of Monsters

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Alphys has already messaged Asgore and urged him to come to her lab immediately. Though the king of Monsters was perplexed by the sudden message, he agreed without question. With that already done, the group was now waiting for him to arrive. It had only been an hour of waiting until they finally heard a knock on the door. With that, Alphys sprung from her chair and marched to the door with the heroes following her. Once she reached the door, she opened it, but the face was not as she expected to see.

At the door was the exhausted faces of Ruby, Keith, and Steven. Despite this, she allowed the three to walk into the lab. Once they were inside, the door automatically closed behind them.

"Have you three been running? 'Cause that's sort of my thing." Says Sonic, giving them a stoic face.

Brushing past the blue hedgehog, Ruby approached Jesse and said, "Jesse, we couldn't find Dipper and Monster Kid at the theater, but we did find Steven."

"I noticed," Jesse replied with his hands on his hips.

"What's going on in here anyway?" Steven asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We're waiting for Asgore to come," Morgana answered.

"What do you mean waiting for Asgore?" Keith asked.

"Well, since we don't have a lot of time on our hands, we won't have to come to Asgore for help," Frisk explained. "So, to give ourselves more time, Asgore will be coming to us instead."

"I'd like to call it smart," Max remarked with a wink.

"Okay, now with that out of the way, where's Lance and Blake?" Jesse asked.

"They're going to stay at the theater for a little while," Ruby answered. "Apparently, my friend, Jaune, wanted them to stay a little longer."

With that, the brunette hummed and nodded. Then, everyone in the room flinched when they heard another knock on the door. Frisk went up to answer it but stopped when Ruby marched to the steel door with her scythe in hand. Once the caped girl reached the door, it opened. She released a loud screech and pointed her weapon's sniper form at what seemed to be a docile goat Monster with yellow hair and a beard donning gold armor and a purple cape. With wide eyes, he held up both his hands, evidently taken by surprise.

"Hello," The goat Monster said, lowering his hands. "Is Dr. Alphys here?"

When Ruby softened the look on her face, she lowered her scythe and allowed him to walk inside the lab. Upon entry, he was greeted by a crowd of strangers, one of them being Frisk. He also noticed Undyne as well.

"Frisk? Undyne?"

"Hi, Dad..." Frisk said with a sheepish wave.

"My king," Undyne said with a bow.

As soon as everyone was seated, Jesse explained to the goat Monster called Asgore their story. As he did, everyone else remained silent so he can tell him of their adventure in silence. The king of Monsters nodded as he went on and on. When Jesse finally finished, Asgore opened his mouth to speak.

"I see. This Glitch King you speak of does sound like someone who will take whatever he wants with no regard. How many worlds have you and your cronies traveled?"

"Just three worlds, sir," Kai said. "Including my own."

"And you said that he has stolen this Galaxy Stone from this Dimension Machine you speak of?" Asgore asked for clarification and the heroes nodded. "And you're intent on finding it and bringing it back to its original dimension?"

"We have already found it, sir." Max placed the blue crystal on the table for him to notice.

Once the Monster king saw the stone that stood in front of the blue-haired girl, he was immediately allured by its beauty. "It's beautiful..."

"I know, right?" Morgana replied.

"Now that we have the Galaxy Stone in our grasp, all we have to do now is bring it back to Max's dimension, put it back in the Dimension Machine, and poof! We're free to go home!" Rainbow said. "It's a piece of cake."

"Well, not exactly," Ruby remarked before looked up at Asgore, who sat at her left. "Also, I'm sorry for aiming my scythe at you earlier."

"Don't be," Asgore replied with a chuckle. "You were only trying to protect your friends, and I acknowledge you for it." He got a giggle in response. Turning back to Jesse, he said, "Now that you have passed down this information, I am willing to help you on Frisk's behalf. Now, when do we start?"

"Not now," Jesse winced, getting a hum of confusion from him. "There is this kid named Dipper who was with us. He's somewhere in the Underground and we want to find him before we depart."

"Is he an important member of your group?"

"We promised his uncle that we would watch over him," Mario explained and Rabbid Peach nodded.

Humming again, the goat Monster turned to Undyne and said, "Undyne, you have met the boy before, yes? You wouldn't mind fetching him for our dearest friends, would you?"

"I'll do what I can," The fish Monster nodded before standing up from the table and walking to the steel door.

The group watched as Undyne walked out the door, which closed as soon as she exited the room. However, Cuphead watched her with an apprehensive expression that was noticed by Keith.

"Are you okay?" The Paladin whispered.

"I feel like something bad is going to happen to her?" The cup-boy replied. Then, he stood up from his seat and said, "I'm gonna go follow her."

After hopping out of his chair, Cuphead made his way to the same door that Undyne walked through. It didn't take long for the others to notice him depart from the conversation. When he disappeared out of everyone's sight, Jesse just raised an eyebrow at him.

"I wonder what's gotten into him." Says Lilac as she raised an eyebrow at the door.

"Maybe he needed some fresh air," Rainbow suggested. "Either that or he just wanted to be alone."

Suddenly, a loud boom was heard from outside as it made the lights flicker and the ground shake. As a result, the group yelped and hollered until the rumbling came to an end. Out of concern, Jesse ran out of the room, followed by Max and the other heroes. Alphys, Asgore, and Temmie were the ones who stayed behind. Upon sprinting out of the lab, the heroes gasped in surprise when they saw Cuphead roll on the ground covered in scratches.

"Cuphead!" Ruby hollered as she and Keith ran to his aid.

With a groan, the cup-headed boy propped himself onto his elbows until he was helped to his knees by the Huntress and Paladin. "I'm fine, guys. Just taken by surprise is all."

"What happened? Was there an explosion?" Frisk asked.

"No, child. It was just me." Says a dark, unfamiliar voice. When the heroes looked up, they gasped at the source who was standing in front of him.

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