Chased: Part 2

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Sonic jumped when the big scorpion tried to strike at him with it's stinger. He looked back to find it still charging after him and he let out a groan of frustration.

"This thing just won't quit, huh?!" He said, then turned his head back to where he was running.

Meanwhile, Rainbow, Mario and Lilac was still running behind the giant Death Stalker. The trio was beginning to believe that Rabbid Peach's plan won't work if they do nothing but run. They had to think of a way to take it down. They all began to think until an idea sparked in Rainbow's head. With a grin, she bent down and scooped up Mario until he was sitting on her back. Then, she opened her blue wings and began to fly. Lilac looked up at the colorful mare with a look of confusion.

"What are you doing?!" Lilac wanted to know.

"I have an idea!" Rainbow yelled in response. "Go get Sonic!"

The dragon nodded and watched as the pegasus flew off with Mario on her back. Then, she jumped over the scorpion and spun herself around for more elevation. Soon, she found herself landing on the fresh snow again. She looked to her left, only to find Sonic running beside her. It didn't take long for him to notice, and it filled him with confusion.

"Rainbow has an idea." Lilac explained. "I don't know what, but I hope it works!"

Finally understanding, the hedgehog nodded and both him and the dragon began to run with the scorpion trying to catch and kill them. It swung one of it's claws at both of them, but they dodged by jumping. After their feet landed on the snow again, Lilac turned her head at the dangerous behemoth of a bug and jumped at it, striking at it's face with the two strands of purple hair that hung behind her head.

From above, Rainbow and Mario fired at the scorpion with their weapons. The Death Stalker roared with both frustration and pain. Lilac looked back at the cuffs on her hands and two holographic pistols appeared on each one. She grinned and began to rapidly fire at the beast and it roared again. She kept on firing until she turned back at the path she was running.

"You got yourself some skills!" Sonic complimented. "I envy you already!"

"Be jealous all you want, because I'm just getting warmed up!" Lilac replied.

The Death Stalker let out a screech of fury before swinging both it's claws at the two speedsters. However, they both noticed it's upcoming attack and they jumped. With their cuffs, Lilac summoned her twin pistols again and fired at the scorpion while Sonic summoned a sword, curling into a ball and tackling it beast in the face, simultaneously slashing it. In the meantime, Rainbow and Mario gave the dragon hedgehog grin, showing how impressed they were with their cooperation. Then, the fast duo stopped and continued running, going even faster.

The colorful pegasus looked around the cold area until she found a huge rock from far away. Rainbow nodded, for her plan was realized. If she can get Sonic and Lilac to lead the big scorpion to that rock, then they might knock it unconscious and they can go back and help their friends. It had to work!

"Mario," Rainbow said, getting his gaze. "I have an idea! Hold on!"

Mario raised an eyebrow, but he nodded and held on tightly to the mare's back. With that, Rainbow turned around and blasted beams of blue energy from her hoof bands. The scorpion screeched, for it's multiple eyes were struck by the blue beams. Sonic and Lilac quickly noticed. They both looked up at Rainbow, who stopped firing at the Death Stalker and looked down to give them her gaze. Going back to flying, the blue pony pointed a hoof. The two speedsters turned to what Rainbow was pointing at and they saw the large rock. Recognizing what she was intending, Sonic and Lilac nodded.

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